Where did the Puritans Come From? Or, Hey somebody clean up this mess and tell me what God wants before everyone is killed and theres no one left to pray!
England was Catholic until… King Henry VIII wanted a divorce. He created the Church of England, made himself leader and gave himself the divorce.
Henry was replaced by Bloody Mary She restores Catholicism. Now it is a crime not to be Catholic. This causes confusion! Puritans and their values begin here!!!
Mary is replaced by her half sister Elizabeth I She is Protestant. She restores the Church of England but doesnt want to reform it or deal harshly with Catholics. CONFUSION!!!
The next king, James I is no better. He makes no reforms, but gets tired of the constant complaining of the Puritans. He allows them to leave if they want and some do.
Charles I represses the Puritans. He gets tired of the complaining and persecutes them. This is when many of them leave and come to colonize North America.
Reform Movements!!! Across Europe religious reform movements grew. The Puritans are one of them. Their ideas evolved from the ideas of John Calvin. But they take the ideas farther.
Puritans Want Change!!! They want one, clearly defined, organized religion. They want to purify the Anglican (English) church, removing all of the Catholic impurities. They want clears rules about how they should live.
You didnt really need to write all of that down, so long as you know… What conditions led to the creation of Puritan philosophy?
Why should you care? 1.The Puritans redefined what their values were. 2.They became SEPARATISTS and founded colonies. 3.Puritan values are still a part of American values.
Key Puritan Contributions…