Local focus national voice National Association for Voluntary and Community Action Supported by Ben Jupp Director, Office of the Third Sector in the Cabinet.


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Presentation transcript:

local focus national voice National Association for Voluntary and Community Action Supported by Ben Jupp Director, Office of the Third Sector in the Cabinet Office A renewed drive to make partnership work

In 2005 we developed proposals to strengthen Compact Strengthening Partnerships: Next Steps for Compact contained proposals from government to: –To set up independent organisation to oversee and promote Compact: –Strengthen Compact through Compact Plus, by: Distilling Compact principles into a set of succinct and clear commitments; Associated accreditation scheme; Intention: –greater clarity about responsibilities in individual dealings between VCS and government; and –Relationship overseen by impartial organisation

Annual Review brings together Ministers, LGA, Compact Working Group and others Considered analysis of response to government proposals; and Agreed to appointing independent Commissioner, and setting up associated office; Commissioner would be asked to take forward proposals on Compact Plus and accreditation scheme in order to strengthen Compact, not supplant it These were considered at the Compact Annual Review in November 2005

Government and Compact Working Group jointly developed role of Commissioner and recruitment process John Stoker appointed as first Commissioner for the Compact - takes up appointment in October (2-3 days a week) Chief Executive interviews held - appointment to follow Commissioner and Chief Executive to start-up Commission for the Compact Interim staff already in place Offices in Birmingham Budget c£1.5m pa Compact Working Group has become Compact Voice Over 2006, we have commenced the process of establishing the Commission

The role of the Commissioner is to oversee and promote the relationship between VCS and Government 1.Promote effective ways using the Compact Exploring, with key stakeholders, ways of making Compact work better, including Compact Plus proposals 2.Raise awareness and promote best practice 3.Look at specific issues and concerns Thematic issues/reports Can consider individual cases Being new, the balance of roles and ways of working will be something the Commission develops, in consultation with stakeholders

Our objective is for the Commissioner to be operationally independent, and strategically accountable to Government and the Sector The Commission being established as a company limited by guarantee; The Commissioner to provide annual reports to a parliamentary select committee; As important for the Commission to be valued and respected by both sides, the Office of the Third Sector (as sponsor) and Compact Voice will be working in partnership on the strategic oversight of the Commission, eg: –Commissioner’s remit and changes to it; –Corporate/Business Plan –General framework (eg memorandum and articles of association, and the governance protocols)

“The Compact is at a crucial stage where we can build on its successes, learn lessons, and take it to the next level. I'm very keen to hear what government and the VCS have to say on how best to make sure that the Compact is fully implemented. I expect to see a major difference to the way in which the rules of engagement operate between the VCS and government and will be listening very closely to all of the Compact's stakeholders to determine the best way to achieve this.” John Stoker, first Commissioner for the Compact

What are the issues to be considered as we seek to improve partnership – the state of the sector panel gives some further insight Between 2002/03 and 2003/04: median govt. funding up from £80,000 to £89,000 and median employees from 7 to 8 The number of volunteers engaged by the panel organisations increased by 1 million, but the median (typical) number decreased from 18 to 16 Most cautiously optimistic – 67% expected growth in activity over the next three years

Funding, accommodation, volunteers and regulation identified as the greatest barriers to work In reverse order…. ie smallest to largest –Networks/partnerships; –Members –Beneficiaries/clients/tenants/users –IT or technical systems; –Management –Employees –Government regulation –Volunteers –Accommodation –Funding

A mixed picture on funding processes itself Application processes: - The European Union attracted most dissatisfaction, with only 39% satisfied and 46% of respondents indicating dissatisfaction - Local authorities had greatest satisfaction (56% vs 25% dissatisfied) Process of payment: –71% satisfied local authorities, 67% central govt, 55% LSCs, 42% EU Monitoring/evaluation: –Range 57% satisfied with central govt to 40% with EU

Alongside the Compact Commissioner, Central Government has been developing further mechanisms to improve partnership working Department of Health Commissioning taskforce brought together government and third sector – progress e.g. community equipment; DfES Children and Young People's Third Sector Forum to promote the involvement of third sector agencies in the planning and delivery of children and young people's services ; DCLG ‘s framework for strengthening the third sector’s role in local public service delivery, including: –three year funding for the sector; –intelligent commissioning in local authorities; and –incentives for local authorities to deliver services in partnership with the sector; Third Sector Engagement Board created to develop further

Home Office: NOMS published “Improving Prison and Probation Services: Public Value Partnerships” –Intention is to harness as wide a range as possible of talents across the public, third and private sector to show that offender services are delivered by those best able to do so; DWP commitments include: –a review into the state of the employment services market to ensure that it operate fairly and consistently across the public, private and third sectors; and –Considering a star accreditation scheme for service providers with appropriate links to the Compact commitments Alongside the Compact Commissioner, Central Government has been developing further mechanisms to improve partnership working

But as Ed Miliband highlighted, there is still a long way to go….. Office of the Third Sector focussing on working with other government departments on the areas where the third sector can work in partnership to: –Directly deliver services –Inform service delivery through innovation –Help design services –Campaign for better services Much of this is about getting the basics right: –Commissioning frameworks accord with best principles for enabling the third sector to contribute to better public services; –Making multi-year funding the norm and –Ensuring full cost recovery becomes the rule; –Developing standard contracts for some key service areas; That is the foundation task for the Commissioner and the Office