2/13/ Chapter 22 Sec 3 Or How to alienate almost everyone, while accomplishing nothing and watching the country crumble.
2/13/ What Hoover Did: Reassured people that the American economy was o.k. Called people who doubted him foolish and told them to be optimistic. Believed he needed to limit the government from taking too much power. Thought people needed to succeed through their own efforts
2/13/ What Hoover Did: Opposed any direct aid or welfare because it would weaken peoples self respect and undermine the nations moral fiber. People should take care of themselves. Urged businesses not to cut wages or lay off workers. Asked workers not to ask for higher wages or go on strike. Asked private charities to raise money for the poor.
2/13/ The People Get MAD!! Farmers burned their crops and dumped milk (while others were starving). Why? Other farmers refused to work in the fields. Why? Raised prices (but not enough to help)
2/13/ The People Get MAD!! Shantytowns = Hoovervilles Empty pockets = Hoover Flags Newspapers = Hoover Blankets People see him as a cold heartless guy. He finally started some projects but too little too late.
2/13/ The Final Straw The Bonus Army The whole story, make sure you read this in the book.
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