‘An international community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success.’
Key Stage 2 & 3 Key Stage 2: Ages 7-11 Key Stage 2: Ages 7-11 Years 3-6 Years 3-6 Key Stage 3: Ages Key Stage 3: Ages Years 7-8
Key Stage 2 & 3 The statutory subjects of the British National Curriculum state that all pupils must study art and design, design and technology, English, geography, history, information and communication technology (ICT), mathematics, physical education and science. Pupils in KS3 will take part in these subjects as well Arabic, Islamic Studies and French. The statutory subjects of the British National Curriculum state that all pupils must study art and design, design and technology, English, geography, history, information and communication technology (ICT), mathematics, physical education and science. Pupils in KS3 will take part in these subjects as well Arabic, Islamic Studies and French. For each subject, programmes of study have been set out as to what pupils should be taught. Attainment targets will also be set to raise the standards of pupils' performance. For each subject, programmes of study have been set out as to what pupils should be taught. Attainment targets will also be set to raise the standards of pupils' performance.
Information The Curriculum Overview can be found on the Key Stage Wikis. This will show what topics and units that are covered throughout. Information about the Wiki Spaces will be given later this week. The Curriculum Overview can be found on the Key Stage Wikis. This will show what topics and units that are covered throughout. Information about the Wiki Spaces will be given later this week. Co-operation and communication between school, parents, pupils and teachers is encouraged at all times. Any contact with teachers should please be arranged beforehand so that the class lessons and learning programme are not interrupted. Co-operation and communication between school, parents, pupils and teachers is encouraged at all times. Any contact with teachers should please be arranged beforehand so that the class lessons and learning programme are not interrupted.
Literacy At Newton we follow the National Literacy Strategy which is part of the English National Curriculum. At Newton we follow the National Literacy Strategy which is part of the English National Curriculum. ationalstrategies ationalstrategies To get the most out of school, your child needs to get to grips with four basic skills: To get the most out of school, your child needs to get to grips with four basic skills: - Speaking & Listening - Reading - Writing Children will learn how to express themselves clearly and creatively in English. Children will learn how to express themselves clearly and creatively in English.
Numeracy At Newton we follow the National Numeracy Strategy which is part of the English National Curriculum. At Newton we follow the National Numeracy Strategy which is part of the English National Curriculum. nationalstrategies Children learn about: Children learn about: Counting, Partitioning and Calculating Counting, Partitioning and Calculating Securing Number Facts, Understanding Shape Securing Number Facts, Understanding Shape Handling Data and Measure Handling Data and Measure Calculating, Measuring and Understanding Shape Calculating, Measuring and Understanding Shape Securing Number facts, Relationships and Calculating Securing Number facts, Relationships and Calculating
Science We follow the English National Curriculum for Science and this can be found at: We follow the English National Curriculum for Science and this can be found at: subjects/science/index.aspx Topics vary per year group. You can find various websites on the Key Stage Wiki websites. Topics vary per year group. You can find various websites on the Key Stage Wiki websites. Children look at and explore: Life processes and living things, such as familiar animals and plants Life processes and living things, such as familiar animals and plants Materials and their properties, such as wood, paper and rock Materials and their properties, such as wood, paper and rock Physical processes: simple ideas in physics, taught through experiences with electricity, forces, light and sounds. Physical processes: simple ideas in physics, taught through experiences with electricity, forces, light and sounds.
History In history children learn to place events in chronological order, and about the lives of men, women and children in the past. In history children learn to place events in chronological order, and about the lives of men, women and children in the past. They use books and other sources to help them ask and answer questions. They use books and other sources to help them ask and answer questions. They listen to stories and respond to them. They listen to stories and respond to them. They learn how the past is different from the present and ask: how have I changed? How has life changed for my parents, or others around me? They learn how the past is different from the present and ask: how have I changed? How has life changed for my parents, or others around me?
Geography Children learn to use geographical skills, and resources including maps and plans, to find out about places. Children learn to use geographical skills, and resources including maps and plans, to find out about places. The children will develop and use different geographical skills such as: The children will develop and use different geographical skills such as: Understanding and knowledge of places. Understanding and knowledge of places. Developing enquiry skills. Developing enquiry skills. Knowledge and understanding of patterns and processes. Knowledge and understanding of patterns and processes. Knowledge and understanding of environmental change and sustainable development. Knowledge and understanding of environmental change and sustainable development.
Design and Technology Children learn to: Look at and talk about familiar products (made of materials such as card, textiles and food) to see how they work. Look at and talk about familiar products (made of materials such as card, textiles and food) to see how they work. Practice simple practical skills and do tasks, such as cutting, folding and gluing which they will use as they make their own products. Practice simple practical skills and do tasks, such as cutting, folding and gluing which they will use as they make their own products. Plan and create their own products, using what they have learned. Plan and create their own products, using what they have learned.
ICT Children learn how to use ICT to find out information, and then to share and exchange it. Children learn how to use ICT to find out information, and then to share and exchange it. They become familiar with some hardware and software - for example, learning how to use a word processor and 'paint' software. They become familiar with some hardware and software - for example, learning how to use a word processor and 'paint' software. They store information on computers, present it in different ways, and talk about how ICT can be used both in and out of school. They store information on computers, present it in different ways, and talk about how ICT can be used both in and out of school. Our children will carry out individual ICT projects which will be part of their assessment. Our children will carry out individual ICT projects which will be part of their assessment.
Arts Art and Design explore and develop their ideas explore and develop their ideas try out different materials, tools and techniques review their own and others' work try out different materials, tools and techniques review their own and others' work work with colour, pattern and texture, line and tone, shape, form and space work with colour, pattern and texture, line and tone, shape, form and space find out about differences and similarities in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers in different times and cultures. find out about differences and similarities in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers in different times and cultures. Music Controlling sounds through singing and playing instruments Controlling sounds through singing and playing instruments Creating and developing musical ideas Creating and developing musical ideas Responding and reviewing Responding and reviewing Listening, and applying knowledge and understanding Listening, and applying knowledge and understanding
Physical Education Acquiring and developing skills in different sports and activities Acquiring and developing skills in different sports and activities Selecting and applying skills, tactics and compositional ideas Selecting and applying skills, tactics and compositional ideas Evaluating and improving performance Evaluating and improving performance Knowledge and understanding of fitness and health Knowledge and understanding of fitness and health Children are taught how to follow rules, and how to move and play safely. Children are taught how to follow rules, and how to move and play safely. They learn how to work on their own, with others and in teams, competing against others. They learn how to work on their own, with others and in teams, competing against others. Games activities Students are taught to travel with, send and receive a ball, striking/fielding and invasion-type games. Use simple tactics for attacking, defending and competitive net. Swimming activities and water safety Students are taught to move in water and float with and without swimming aids. Feel the buoyancy and support of water. Propel themselves in water using different swimming aids, arm and leg actions and basic strokes.
Homework Key Stage 2 homework will be updated on a Thursday and the completed homework should be returned to school on the following Thursday. It should however be brought to school everyday for marking. Spelling – children will receive spelling words and activities each week. Key Stage 3 homework will be given throughout the week and information regarding what is needed to be done can be found in the homework planner. All homework needs to be completed and returned to school on the due date.
Key Stage 2 & 3 Assessment Assessment is at the heart of a successful curriculum and is a fundamental part of good teaching and learning. Children will complete ongoing, continuous assessments in Literacy, Numeracy and Science throughout each term. This allows the children to achieve their full potential without the added stress. Children will complete ongoing, continuous assessments in Literacy, Numeracy and Science throughout each term. This allows the children to achieve their full potential without the added stress. Our school is currently using Assessing pupils' progress (APP) which is a new national approach to assessment that puts the learner at the heart of the assessment process. Our school is currently using Assessing pupils' progress (APP) which is a new national approach to assessment that puts the learner at the heart of the assessment process. APP not only provides a link to national standards, but also builds a more well-rounded individual profile of learners’ achievements that highlights their strengths and areas for improvement. APP not only provides a link to national standards, but also builds a more well-rounded individual profile of learners’ achievements that highlights their strengths and areas for improvement. The information APP provides helps teachers to tailor their planning and teaching and can support productive discussions between teachers, learners and parents. The information APP provides helps teachers to tailor their planning and teaching and can support productive discussions between teachers, learners and parents.
Assessment cont. Year 6 will complete SATs at the end of Year 6. Throughout the year the children will be preparing for these assessments so attendance in school is crucial. Year 6 will complete SATs at the end of Year 6. Throughout the year the children will be preparing for these assessments so attendance in school is crucial. Pupils will also sit end of term/unit assessments and revision packs will be given when these occasions arise. Pupils will also sit end of term/unit assessments and revision packs will be given when these occasions arise.
Thank You For Your Time You will now have time for a Meet and Greet with the teachers in their classrooms. Please remember that this is not a Parent Interview but a time to introduce yourself to your child’s class teacher. Specialist Staff will be available in the Main Hall beside the Reception Desk ‘ An international community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success.’