Shining a Brighter Light on Longleaf: Updating the Communications Plan Lark Hayes for the Communications Team Longleaf Partnership Council Meeting Mobile, AL April 26, 2013
Communications Team Membership ▹ Robert Abernethy, LLA ▹ Mike Black, NBCI ▹ Vernon Compton, LLA ▹ Carol Denhof, LLA ▹ Tom Darden, Consultant ▹ Glen Gaines, FS *Dedicated Support Staff ▹ Lark Hayes*, Consultant ▹ Stephanie Hertz*, TAMU ▹ Stacy Shelton, FWS ▹ Suzanne Sessine, NFWF ▹ Clay Ware, FWS
Plan Basics ▹ LPC Ownership and Involvement ▹ Covers External and Internal Communications ▹ Significant Revision Underway with Comments Requested
Updated External Messages ▹ Implementation Phase with On-the-Ground Activity ▹ Measurable Progress with Longleaf Decline Arrested ▹ Private Sector Support ▹ Economic Benefits ▹ Needs for Additional Support
Internal Communication and Coordination: Early Ideas ▹ Listservs Managed Via the Website ▹ Password Protected Area for LPC ▹ What Else?
Near-Term Priority Activities ▹ Enhanced Website ▹ Bank of High Quality PPT Slides ▹ Innovative Partner Links and Shared Products ▹ Updated Brochure ▹ Evaluate Display
How YOU Can Help ▹ Review and Comment on Draft Communications Plan ▹ Provide Ideas for Website Articles ▹ Help Build Listserv, RSS Feed or Other Notification Tool ▹ Shared Funding for Communications Products? ▹ Interact with Communications Team!