Please try and take all of this wonderful information in and you will know what we have been through lately. Hope you Like it!!!! This is a short slide show based on what year 6 (the best year group) have this term (2015)!!! Here is what year 6 have been doing: Orienteering Cross-Country Standon Bowers Planting trees Hockey Football and many other things
DRAMA We have practised the songs. We have also learnt part of the dances. We are now up to the part when we need to cast part. We need to do this before the end of this half term so that we can practised our lines so that when we come back after half term we can get on and start practising the sense for July when you can come and watch us performing the final thing with it all practised and we can guarantee you shall be amazed with what we have done with it. It is Happy as a Sandbag
SPORT Sports year 6 have done: Cross country:4 th Hockey:6 th Orienteering: unknown Football:5 th That proves year six are the best at sport over all. Music We have started class band this year and this is the first time this school have ever done class band. We are all enjoying it so far and we are putting lots of practice in to class band so that then near the end of the year we can show the school what we have been doing.
SATs As year 7 and 8 pupils know SATs are very stressing for people and last week we did over five old SAT papers, every body felt under pressure, as you will find from the next person. Plant Project As you know there are random trees placed around the path way to the bottom gate. This is for an extreme project in science.