Public Safety Week 2010 A joint partnership between Colorado law enforcement and fire agencies.
Internal Training Slides for Emergency Responders
Why are we focusing on traffic safety for emergency responders? Deaths due to motor vehicle accidents/ injury are the leading cause of deaths for Law Enforcement and the second leading cause of death for Fire Fighters.
Responding Safely Buckle Up Every Time This is your greatest preventative measure against injury. Slow Down Don’t drive beyond your ability; Drive at appropriate speed; It’s not your emergency. Stick to the Basics Remember what you learned in Driver Operator I. You Can’t Help if You Never Make it There. This is the bottom line. You need to arrive safely to provide assistance.
At the Scene Protect Your Scene Safety of responder. Safety of victim/patient. Vehicle Placement How do you park your vehicle to make the scene safe? Where do you park to make the scene safe? Why do you use Highway Safety Vehicles to make all responders and victims ?
At the Scene Visibility of Vehicle “Lights, Cones, Action”. Use lights. Use cones. Use flares. Visibility of Responder Use Traffic Safety Vest. Always wear appropriate PPE. Stay aware of your scene. Watch your back. Be aware of the scene boundary. Never turn your back to traffic. Get In – Get Out Assist your victim/ patient quickly but safely to clear the roadway or scene.
Resources Resources to assist departments in sharing this information with their staff and crews: Website resources Statistics from State on Law Enforcement Deaths and Fire Fighter Deaths. Video/ Photos from your scenes or from neighboring departments.
External Audience: Message to the Community “Watch Out for Us….So We Can Watch Out for You.” Citizens Can: Slow Down; Move Over; Stay Alert.
External Audience: Message to the Community Resources for external audiences and media contacts: Move Over Law Fact Sheet Includes information on the law, background of why law was created and the penalties of violating the law. Sample photos or video. Sample Press Releases.