Please leave your belongings at the side of the hall. Take a seat. Please sit in silence.
WHAT ARE THE EXAMS LIKE? You have each had a go at a maths paper. What was it like? How did you feel? STA guidance for the Maths 1 paper
WHAT ARE SATS? Standard Assessment Tests. Compulsory for all children at the end of Year 6. Tests in: reading, GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling) and mathematics. Science is assessed by the class teacher
WHAT ABOUT WRITING? Your child’s writing is assessed against national standards by their class teacher. The grade that they are given is then moderated by the local authority.
WHAT HAPPENS TO THE RESULTS? Results are sent to secondary schools; some use the results for streaming. Almost all secondary schools test children themselves at the start of year 7. Results of the SATs are used to place schools in a league table. They show the progress children have made from KS1. The results show the great effort the children have made in their learning!
HOW WILL THEY BE RUN? Children will sit the exams either in the hall or in their classroom. You will be told where your child will be taking their exams before the date of the tests. They will be invigilated by members of the senior leadership team and class teachers.
TIMETABLE This is the timetable for the SATs week. You have each been given a copy to take home. DayLevel 3-5Level 6 (pm) Monday 11 th MayReading Tuesday 12 th MayGPS Wednesday 13 th MayMental mathematics test; mathematics Paper 1 No level 6 tests timetabled. Thursday 14 th MayMathematics Paper 2 Mathematics Paper 1; mathematics Paper 2.
HOW CAN I HELP MY CHILD? Talk to them about their homework and support them with revision from their CGP books Make sure they get an early night. Make sure they eat a good breakfast in the morning of the SATs. However, we will be offering free breakfast for the year 6s on the morning of the SATs Give them plenty of praise and encouragement; it’s hard work doing all those tests!
EXAM MALADMINISTRATION Avoiding allegations of maladministration In 2014 the STA received 600 allegations of exam maladministration. As you know both schools had allegations made about them last year. This is what we are going to do to ensure that the SATS are administered correctly and in such a way that avoids any possible allegations.
EXAM MALADMINISTRATION Reducing the number of rooms used for SATs. Ensuring that there are at least two invigilators present in each room. Training for all staff taking part in the tests. Information evening for parent and carers.
AVOIDING MISUNDERSTANDINGS Maladministration allegations most often come from people who have misunderstood the way the tests are run or misinterpreted appropriate support that pupils have received during the tests. We are going to make sure that our staff, pupils and parents understand how the tests are administered, including: the test timetable what assistance is allowed in the tests how any access arrangements will be used
INVITING OBSERVERS We have invited our governors to observe the tests being administered at our school. Their presence will give assurance that the tests are being run correctly. Everyone taking part in observation of the tests must be familiar with STA’s guidance on test administration, especially the ‘Assessment and reporting arrangements’ and the 2015 ‘Test administration guidance’.Assessment and reporting arrangementsTest administration guidance We will be inviting observers to attend the training we are running for your staff. Observers will be able to see the complete administration of each test.
UNOPENED TEST PACK STORAGE They will confirm that: Test packs are sealed and stored securely in a locked cupboard. Test packs have not been opened either before the statutory date or more than 1 hour before the test taking place, without permission for early opening from the STA.
TEST ADMINISTRATION They will confirm that: Pupils are appropriately seated and supervised. Displays / materials have been removed or covered, as appropriate. We are administering the tests in the order published in the statutory test timetable. Access arrangements are used correctly.
COMPLETED TEST STORAGE They will confirm that: Test scripts (the test papers containing pupils’ answers) are: collected from the test room immediately after the test and stored securely in a locked cupboard packaged as soon as possible after the test and stored securely in a locked cupboard, waiting for collection.
MONITORING VISITS 10% of schools will receive a monitoring visit, either from the STA or from the local authority (LA).