EE 6331, Spring, 2009 Advanced Telecommunication Zhu Han Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Class 13 Mar. 3rd, 2009
Outline Exam Review Geometric representation of modulation signals ADC/DAC PCM Geometric representation of modulation signals Linear modulation BPSK, DPSK; QPSK, offset QPSK, /4 QPSK Constant envelope modulation BFSK, MSK, GMSK Combined linear and constant envelope modulation MPSK QAM MFSK and OFDM ECE6331 Spring 2009
PAM, PWM, PPM, PCM ECE6331 Spring 2009
Quantization Scalar Quantizer Block Diagram Mid-tread Mid-rise ECE6331 Spring 2009
Equations ECE6331 Spring 2009
Quantization Noise ECE6331 Spring 2009
Example SNR for varying number of representation levels for sinusoidal modulation 1.8+6 X dB, example 3.1 Number of representation level L Number of Bits per Sample, R SNR (dB) 32 5 31.8 64 6 37.8 128 7 43.8 256 8 49.8 ECE6331 Spring 2009
Conditions for Optimality of Scalar Quantizers Let m(t) be a message signal drawn from a stationary process M(t) -A m A m1= -A mL+1=A mk mk+1 for k=1,2,…., L The kth partition cell is defined as Jk: mk< m mk+1 for k=1,2,…., L d(m,vk): distortion measure for using vk to represent values inside Jk. ECE6331 Spring 2009
Condition for Optimal Quantizer ECE6331 Spring 2009
Condition One ECE6331 Spring 2009
Condition Two ECE6331 Spring 2009
Vector Quantization image and voice compression, voice recognition statistical pattern recognition volume rendering ECE6331 Spring 2009
Numbers passed from ADC to computer to represent analogue voltage PCM 0000 1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 1010 1001 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 Resolution= 1 part in 2n 0000 0110 0111 0011 1100 1001 1011 Numbers passed from ADC to computer to represent analogue voltage ECE6331 Spring 2009
Non-uniform Quantizer F: nonlinear compressing function F-1: nonlinear expanding function F and F-1: nonlinear compander y y ^ F Q F-1 x ^ x Example F: y=log(x) F-1: x=exp(x) We will study nonuniform quantization by PCM example next A law and law ECE6331 Spring 2009
Law/A Law ECE6331 Spring 2009
Geometric Representation of Modulation Signal Digital Modulation involves Choosing a particular signal waveform for transmission for a particular symbol or signal For M possible signals, the set of all signal waveforms are: For binary modulation, each bit is mapped to a signal from a set of signal set S that has two signals We can view the elements of S as points in vector space ECE6331 Spring 2009 16
Geometric Representation of Modulation Signal Vector space We can represented the elements of S as linear combination of basis signals. The number of basis signals are the dimension of the vector space. Basis signals are orthogonal to each-other. Each basis is normalized to have unit energy: ECE6331 Spring 2009 17
Example Two signal waveforms to be used for transmission The basis signal Q I Constellation Diagram Dimension = 1 ECE6331 Spring 2009 18
Constellation Diagram Properties of Modulation Scheme can be inferred from Constellation Diagram Bandwidth occupied by the modulation increases as the dimension of the modulated signal increases Bandwidth occupied by the modulation decreases as the signal points per dimension increases (getting more dense) Probability of bit error is proportional to the distance between the closest points in the constellation. Bit error decreases as the distance increases (sparse). Equation 6.62-6.64 ECE6331 Spring 2009 19
Concept of a constellation diagram ECE6331 Spring 2009
Example of samples of matched filter output for some bandpass modulation schemes ECE6331 Spring 2009
Linear Modulation Techniques Classify digital modulation techniques as: Linear The amplitude of the transmitted signal varies linearly with the modulating digital signal, m(t). They usually do not have constant envelope. More spectral efficient. Poor power efficiency Example: BPSK, QPSK. Non-linear ECE6331 Spring 2009 22
Binary Phase Shift Keying Use alternative sine wave phase to encode bits Phases are separated by 180 degrees. Simple to implement, inefficient use of bandwidth. Very robust, used extensively in satellite communication. Q State 1 State ECE6331 Spring 2009 23
BPSK Example 1 1 0 1 0 1 Data Carrier Carrier+ p BPSK waveform 24 1 1 0 1 0 1 Data Carrier Carrier+ p BPSK waveform ECE6331 Spring 2009 24
BPSK Virtue of pulse shaping equations 6.68-6.71 ECE6331 Spring 2009 25
BPSK Coherent demodulator 6.72 6.73 6.74 ECE6331 Spring 2009 26
Differential PSK encoding Differential BPSK 0 = same phase as last signal element 1 = 180º shift from last signal element ECE6331 Spring 2009 27
DPSK modulation and demodulation 6.75, 3dB loss EE 542/452 Spring 2008 EE 552/452 Spring 2007 28
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Multilevel Modulation Technique: 2 bits per symbol More spectrally efficient, more complex receiver. Two times more bandwidth efficient than BPSK Q 11 State 01 State 00 State 10 State Phase of Carrier: p/4, 2p/4, 5p/4, 7p/4 ECE6331 Spring 2009 29
4 different waveforms cos+sin -cos+sin 11 01 00 10 cos-sin -cos-sin 30 ECE6331 Spring 2009 30
QPSK Example ECE6331 Spring 2009
QPSK Virtue of pulse shaping 6.80 ECE6331 Spring 2009 32
QPSK modulation ECE6331 Spring 2009 33
QPSK receiver ECE6331 Spring 2009 34
Differential Coherent DBPSK 3dB loss QPSK BER 6.79, the same as BPSK ECE6331 Spring 2009
Offset QPSK waveforms ECE6331 Spring 2009 36
Offset OQPSK QPSK can have 180 degree jump, amplitude fluctuation By offsetting the timing of the odd and even bits by one bit-period, or half a symbol-period, the in-phase and quadrature components will never change at the same time. 90 degree jump ECE6331 Spring 2009
Pi/4 QPSK signaling 135 degree Non-coherent detection 38 ECE6331 Spring 2009 38
Pi/4 QPSK transmitter 6.81-6.86 Example 6.9 ECE6331 Spring 2009 39
I. Differential detection of pi/4 QPSK Example 6.10 ECE6331 Spring 2009 40
II. IF Differential Detection ECE6331 Spring 2009 41
III. FM Discriminator detector ECE6331 Spring 2009 42
Constant Envelope Modulation Amplitude of the carrier is constant, regardless of the variation in the modulating signal Better immunity to fluctuations due to fading. Better random noise immunity Power efficient They occupy larger bandwidth ECE6331 Spring 2009 43
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) The frequency of the carrier is changed according to the message state (high (1) or low (0)). One frequency encodes a 0 while another frequency encodes a 1 (a form of frequency modulation) Integral of m(x) is continues. Continues FSK ECE6331 Spring 2009 44
FSK Bandwidth Limiting factor: Physical capabilities of the carrier Not susceptible to noise as much as ASK Applications On voice-grade lines, used up to 1200bps Used for high-frequency (3 to 30 MHz) radio transmission used at higher frequencies on LANs that use coaxial cable ECE6331 Spring 2009
Multiple Frequency-Shift Keying (MFSK) More than two frequencies are used More bandwidth efficient but more susceptible to error f i = f c + (2i – 1 – M)f d f c = the carrier frequency f d = the difference frequency M = number of different signal elements = 2 L L = number of bits per signal element ECE6331 Spring 2009
FSK Coherent Detection ECE6331 Spring 2009 47
Noncoherent FSK ECE6331 Spring 2009 48
MSK modulation Equation 6.104, 6.105 ECE6331 Spring 2009 49
MSK reception ECE6331 Spring 2009 50
Minimum Shift Keying spectra 6.107 6.108 ECE6331 Spring 2009 51
GMSK spectral shaping ECE6331 Spring 2009 52
GMSK spectra shaping ECE6331 Spring 2009 53
Simple GMSK modulation and demodulation ECE6331 Spring 2009 EE 552/452 Spring 2007 54
Digital GMSK demodulator ECE6331 Spring 2009 55
8-PSK Signal Constellation Equation 6.113-6.120 ECE6331 Spring 2009 56
Pulse Shaped M-PSK ECE6331 Spring 2009 57
QAM – Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Modulation technique used in the cable/video networking world Instead of a single signal change representing only 1 bps – multiple bits can be represented buy a single signal change Combination of phase shifting and amplitude shifting (8 phases, 2 amplitudes) ECE6331 Spring 2009
QAM QAM As an example of QAM, 12 different phases are combined with two different amplitudes Since only 4 phase angles have 2 different amplitudes, there are a total of 16 combinations With 16 signal combinations, each baud equals 4 bits of information (2 ^ 4 = 16) Combine ASK and PSK such that each signal corresponds to multiple bits More phases than amplitudes Minimum bandwidth requirement same as ASK or PSK ECE6331 Spring 2009
16-QAM Signal Constellation ECE6331 Spring 2009 60
QAM vs. MFSK ECE6331 Spring 2009 61
Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing Special form of Multi-Carrier Transmission. Multi-Carrier Modulation. Divide a high bit-rate digital stream into several low bit-rate schemes and transmit in parallel (using Sub-Carriers) ECE6331 Spring 2009
Comparison of Digital Modulation ECE6331 Spring 2009
Comparison of Digital Modulation ECE6331 Spring 2009
Spectral Efficiencies in practical radios GSM- Digital Cellular Data Rate = 270kb/s, bandwidth = 200kHz Bandwidth Efficiency = 270/200 =1.35bits/sec/Hz Modulation: Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (FSK with orthogonal frequencies). “Gaussian” refers to filter response. IS-54 North American Digital Cellular Data Rate = 48kb/s, bandwidth = 30kHz Bandwidth Efficiency = 48/30 =1.6bits/sec/Hz Modulation: pi/4 DQPSK ECE6331 Spring 2009
Modulation Summary Phase Shift Keying is often used, as it provides a highly bandwidth efficient modulation scheme. QPSK, modulation is very robust, but requires some form of linear amplification. OQPSK and p/4-QPSK can be implemented, and reduce the envelope variations of the signal. High level M-ary schemes (such as 64-QAM) are very bandwidth efficient, but more susceptible to noise and require linear amplification. Constant envelope schemes (such as GMSK) can be employed since an efficient, non-linear amplifier can be used. Coherent reception provides better performance than differential, but requires a more complex receiver. ECE6331 Spring 2009