VOCABULARY UNIT 4 LESSON 1 The Clever Daughter-in-Law
riddle it is a NOUN a mystifying, misleading, or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or guessed Synonym: mystery, puzzle, question Example: The riddle of the Sphinx is very famous.
clever it is an ADJECTIVE Mentally quick and original Synonym: bright, cunning Antonym: senseless Example: A clever person finds the answer to a problem very quickly.
Mother and father-in-law daughter-in-law it is a NOUN The wife of one's son Example: Jim’s parents really like his new wife, their new daughter-in-law. wife and husband His parents daughter-in-law Mother and father-in-law
Mother and father-in-law it is a NOUN The father of one's husband or wife . Example: Jane will name her son after her father-in-law. wife and husband His parents daughter-in-law Mother and father-in-law
lantern A decorative casing for a light, often of paper it is a NOUN Example: People use lanterns when they don’t have electricity to see where they are going.
to be missed it is a VERB Synonym: To be without Example: When she moved to another country her friend called her to tell her that she missed her, she wanted her to come back.
lovely it is an ADJECTIVE very pretty or attractive . Synonym: beautiful Antonym: ugly Example: Those babies are so cute! Aren’t they lovely?
shocked it is an ADJECTIVE struck with fear Synonym: dismayed, horrified Antonym: fearless Example: The people were shocked when they heard that the king was dead.