INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS IN MINNESOTA: WHAT’S GOING ON????? Standards for Information and Technology Literacy in the 21 ST Century Southwest & West Central Service Cooperative Technology Conference March 11,
Who am I and why am I here? Mary Mehsikomer Network Coordinator NW-LINKS/Region 1 (218)
AGENDA Definition Influences MEMO Standards for Information and Technology Literacy Resources 3
DEFINITIONS & TERMS Information and Technology Literacy Integrated technology skills, reading and media literacy skills, understanding of ethical issues associated with the use of information, and the ability to evaluate accuracy of information. (MEMO) 4
INFLUENCES The World is Flat – Thomas Friedman
INFLUENCES/ACTIVITIES India and China are major economic forces America must change in order to remain competitive – strength in innovation America needs to grow more sophisticated engineering and technology expertise Education system still based on agrarian 18 th century model Students have to “power down” in school 6
INFLUENCES 21ST Century Skills Partnership INFLUENCES 21 ST Century Skills Partnership Continue building core subject knowledge Integrated model of “soft skills” and core subjects Emphasize developing learning skills information literacy, communication, critical thinking, problem solving, interaction, motivation Use 21 st century tools - technology Teach content with 21 st century context – real world, relevant Use 21 st century assessments 7
21 st Century Skills Partnership 8
Example: Old (1998) ISTE vs. New ISTE (2007) 9
“OLD” ISTE 1998 ISTE-NETS Standards for Students ◦ Basic operations and concepts ◦ Social ethical, and human issues ◦ Technology productivity tools ◦ Technology communications tools ◦ Technology research tools ◦ Technology problem-solving and decision- making tools 10
“NEW” REFRESHED ISTE 2007 ISTE Standards for Students ◦ Creativity and Innovation ◦ Communication and Collaboration ◦ Research and Information Fluency ◦ Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making ◦ Digital Citizenship ◦ Technology Operations and Concepts 11
INFLUENCES No Child Left Behind Act “Assist every student in crossing the digital divide by ensuring that every student is technologically literate by the time the student finishes eighth grade.” 12
INFLUENCES Minnesota Laws of 2006 – Chapter 263 “The commissioner of education must revise and appropriately embed technology and information literacy standards consistent with recommendations from school media specialists into the state’s academic standards and graduation requirements…” 13
2004 MEMO Information & Technology Literacy Standards Based on: ISTE (1998) American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Information Power EnGauge 21 st Century Skills Student Technology Literacy Proficiency Checklist Big 6 Research Skills – task definition, information seeking, location and access, use of information, synthesis, evaluation State information literacy standards from other states (Wisconsin) 14
2004 MEMO INFORMATION LITERACY STANDARDS Components The Research Process – systematic research process that includes a broad understanding of information resources and specific skills woven into a recursive process. Technology Use – technical skills that include the basics of hardware, software, and connectivity. Reading and Media Literacy – ability to extract information from texts and media and evaluate content for bias and credibility. Responsible use of technology and information – knowledge of laws and practices that protect intellectual property and the ability to operate safely and ethically in networked environments 15
2009 Refreshed MEMO Standards for Information & Technology Literacy STRANDS: Inquiry and Research Expanding Literacies Technology Use and Concepts Ethical Participation in a Global Society Based on 2007 ISTE, 2009 AASL, and 21 st Century Skills Partnership Framework 16
Refreshed MEMO Standards (continued) LAYOUT: Matches Minnesota Academic Content Standards Strand – substrand – standard – benchmark Defined by K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 grade levels Developed by school library media specialists 17
RESOURCES ISTE MEMO literacystandards 21 st Century Skills Minnesota Department of Education 18