The Yukon Territory, is one of Canada's three territories, in the country's far northwest. It has a population of about 31,500, and its capital is Whitehorse, with a population of 23,272. People from the Yukon are known as Yukoners. Lying in the northwestern corner of Canada's continental mainland, isolated by rugged mountains, it shares a common border and many characteristics with its American neighbour, Alaska. Historically, it is indelibly associated with the great KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH.
HISTORY….. The first lasting contact was made in the 1840s by fur traders of the HBC, using maps and information from early explorers such as Sir John Franklin, who reached Yukon's arctic shore in The discovery of gold on Bonanza Creek, a tributary of the Klondike River, on 17 August 1896 marked the beginning of what is often considered the world's greatest gold rush. Thousands of newcomers poured into this remote corner of Canada, transforming the Yukon permanently. By the late 19th century, gold prospectors in growing numbers pushed northwards from northern BC. Crossing onto the Yukon watershed they worked their way along the various rivers. Others moved inland from the Bering Sea, following up the Yukon River from its mouth by stern-wheeler. Several centres of gold mining developed, often for only a brief period. Forty Mile, almost astride the Alaskan boundary, was one.
A headline in the July 17, 1897 Seattle Post-Intelligencer announces the discovery of gold in the Klondike region of the Yukon Territory, in Canada. The news prompted thousands to seek their fortunes there. In 1900, the peak production year, $22 million in gold was mined in the area.
More History…. Whitehorse came into existence as the point where transshipping from rail to river took place, but Dawson was the dominant centre. Between 1897 and 1904, it is estimated that over $100 million in gold was recovered from the creek gravels. The population of Dawson began to decline almost immediately. Yukon's economy shifted from gold to other minerals beginning in 1913 when its first hardrock mine started silver and lead production in the central Yukon.
History cont. The WWII construction of the Alaska Highway, and the Canol pipeline and road expedited new mineral exploration activity as well as bringing people, services, industries and tourists to the Yukon. With the highway came a permanent non-native population that outnumbered Yukon's indigenous peoples for the first time. Yukon's capital was transferred from Dawson to Whitehorse in 1953, 2 years after the initial announcement. In 1957 a major hydroelectric plant was built in Whitehorse. *Red line = Alaska Hwy. *Orange and purple = gas pipeline
Alaska Highway, Kluane Although originally built for military purposes, the highway has helped the forestry, oil, mining and tourist industries.
People and Culture!! In 2001 the population of the Yukon was , a decrease of 6.8% from 1996; by 2004 it was estimated that the population was back up to the 1996 level. One of the characteristics of both the Yukon and the Northwest Territories is the transient nature of much of the non-native population. Many workers, attracted by high wages, plan to stay for a short time and return "outside." The labour force includes a disproportionate number of young single men and recent immigrants. Many companies encourage married workers through assistance in family housing.
Nearly three-quarters of all Yukoners live in 3 centres, and 2 out of 3 live in WHITEHORSE. Whitehorse (pop , 2001c), the territorial capital, is the transportation, business and service centre for the territory. DAWSON was the capital until 1951 and has dwindled to a population of some 1200, based on gold mining in the area and on tourism. Watson Lake on the ALASKA HIGHWAY is the service centre for the southeastern Yukon. FARO, developed in response to the nearby zinc-lead mine ( ), was also one of the territories larger communities but has seen a shrinking population since the mine's closure.
Yukon native peoples comprised at least 22% of the population in Native culture in the Yukon has been severely altered by the whaling era at Herschel Island, the Klondike Gold Rush, the construction of the Alaska Highway and modern communications. There has been a recent renaissance in native cultural traditions and crafts.
Politics….. Like provincial governments, the Yukon government is responsible for such things as education, social services, tax collection, most highways and community services. Unlike the provinces, however, the Yukon had no authority over natural resources, with the exception of wildlife; royalties derived from resource development were paid to Ottawa. Resource management programs, including those in forestry, mines and land, have gradually been transferred or devolved from the federal to the territorial government.
The 2 major political issues are Native land claims and provincial status. The Native peoples of the Yukon have never signed treaties with the federal government. Provincial status was an issue during the Meech Lake and Charlottetown constitutional negotiations and remains the most important issue in the Yukon today. Charlottetown
Resources and economy…….. Yukon's big game animals, furbearers, birds and fish have sustained Yukon's Native people for thousands of years, and continue to do so, especially in remote communities. Yukon's wildlife resources, which fall under the jurisdiction of the territorial government, are also valued by other residents and by tourists, particularly big game hunters. The Yukon has some of North America's largest populations of GRIZZLY BEARS and Dall's sheep.
Minerals, such as gold, zinc, lead and silver, remain the territory's most economic nonrenewable resources. Difficult access and rugged terrain have deterred mineral development in the past; however, the Yukon now has a highly developed road system with year- round access to tidewater. Tourism has become an increasingly important industry. Along with government, it largely sustained the Yukon economy during recent slumps in mining. Tourism is the second most important industry in the Yukon.