Britain - Britain Soldiers Spain Where are they? France.


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Presentation transcript:

Britain -

Britain Soldiers Spain Where are they? France

Debt currency value

Kentuckys Southwest Territory

Territory – 1. Congress appoints – a Governor, a Secretary (State), and three judges to administer 2. 5,000 FREE males who could elect a Territorial Assembly + State – (Above) ,000 FREE Inhabitants 2. An acceptable State Constitution to Congress

Weakness continued

Shays Rebellion 1780s – Massachusetts was in a serious economic depression 1786 – The Massachusetts' State Legislature voted the heaviest taxes in the history of the colony/state Mass. Legislature decreed that taxes HAD to be paid in Specie- only gold or silver coins The Rebellion proved the weakness of the U.S. Government under the Articles

Where were J Adams and T Jefferson? Where were S Adams and P Henry?

Executive Legislative Judicial REVIEW OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION Virginia Plan – Three Branches of Govt Executive & Judicial – elected by the legislative branch Legislative – elects other two branches & H elects S Representation based on population

Executive Legislative Judicial Legislative to choose Executive branch Unicameral – One House Executive would be a council NOT one person And, would choose the Judicial

Executive –A President elected by Electors Legislative – Bicameral House directly elected and based on population Senate elected by State Legislatures and equal representation Judicial – Appointed by the Executive – confirmed by the Senate