International Lead Management Center Inc. ILMC ILMC.


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Presentation transcript:

International Lead Management Center Inc. ILMC ILMC

ILMC & Capacity Building A Learning Experience

ILMC OECD Declaration Phase out leaded gasoline Eliminate childhood exposure Eliminate leaded food packaging Restrict ceramic/crystal leaching Restrict lead shot and sinkers Reduce population exposure

ILMC OECD Declaration Develop international cooperation Prioritize action program Continue to review lead levels Evaluate effectiveness of actions Promote recycling of lead waste Extend information exchanges

ILMC u Formation of ILMC Industry Response u Introduction of pilot programs u Sector based voluntary initiatives u Information & expertise available to: Y Reduce occupational exposure Y Improve recycling performance Y Abate industrial emissions

ILMC BHP Boliden Cominco Peñoles MIM Holdings Noranda Doe Run Pasminco ILMC Organization

ILMC ILMC Sector Action Issues Partners Lead in Gasoline- OECD/UNEP- IE Ceramics/Crystal- ICF & Rutgers Trade & Development - UNDP/UNCTAD Environment - SBC

ILMC ILMC Pilot Programs Regional Demonstration Projects Mexico- Latin America Philippines- ASEAN Russia- Eastern Europe Peru- South America

ILMC Workshops and Seminars Mexico - CAMIMEX, INE Philippines - UNCTAD, UNDP, UNEP Russia - CREP/US EPA Trinidad - SBC Peru - DIGESA ILMC Capacity Building

ILMC Internet Information & Inquiry Services u Fact Sheets u Best Practice Notes u Tool Box Series u Expert Advice Site Visits u USA, UK and Australia ILMC Capacity Building

ILMC SUMMARY 4Declaration issues addressed 4Country specific projects 4Cooperation and partnerships 4Information exchange 4Expanding ILMC network

ILMC Further Information ILMC