The Effects of Sequestration on Economic Statistics Surviving the Loss of Public data Suzan Reagan, Sr. Program Mgr. Data Bank November 13, 2013
Government Shutdown October 1, 2013
Short term effect of data loss Projects put on hold.
Local Programs Effected
Sequestration – Related Budget Cuts Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) 3 programs Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 3 programs Energy Information Administration (EIA) 2 programs US Department of Agriculture 2 programs US Census Bureau 5 programs 15 public data sources effected!
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Metropolitan & County personal income statistics. Alternate source: QCEW average weekly wage. Local Area Personal Income Statistics (LAPD) Modeling estimates for private sector, Federal, State & local Government. Alternate source: Private estimates IMPLAN Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS) Data for multinational companies, offshoring and impact of global value chains for measuring economic activity. Alternate source: International data Foreign Direct Investment Analytical Products
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Demographic & other stats on major job cutbacks. Alternate source: UI claims ETA Mass Layoff Statistics Program (MLS) Special employer surveys (OES) & Career information products. Alternate source: none Measuring Green Jobs Adjusted foreign data to common definitions & classifications. Alternate source: International data International Labor Comparisons Program (ILC)
International Data Sources European Union: Eurostat Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) International Energy Agency (IEA) International Labour Organization (ILO) LABORSTA (ILO) United Nations Statistics Programmes Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) United Nations Statistical Division UN Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) Statistical Division World Health Organization Statistical Information
Energy Information Administration (EIA) Annual publication with energy consumption included petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear, & renewable energy statistics. Alternate Source: Annual Energy Review Delayed data and upgrades to system included weekly petroleum & natural gas statistics. Alternate Source: Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS)
US Department of Agriculture Surveys & Reports Alternative source: National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Agricultural Productivity in the US County-Level data sets (County look-Up Tables) Alternative source: State & local agriculture cooperatives Economic Research Service (ERS)
US Census Bureau 6 month delay delivery of over 1,600 products from the 2012 Economic Census. Economic Census Reduction in infrastructure upgrades, program management, and research. American Community Survey Implementation of new supplemental poverty measures. Delay data releases for the 2014 panel of the Survey of Income and program participation. Demographic Program Loss of planned research and testing for Delay of preparatory work for the field test. Delay of 2020 design decisions Decennial Census Program Delay in 2020 Census address canvassing. Geographic Support Program
Census Data Alternative websites Missouri Census Data Center Stats America National Historical Geographic Information System Minnesota Population Center IPUMS Census Reporter
What is the big deal? It’s just data anyway. Informed Decision Making Quantified observations Identify resources Understand complex systems Share data Why data is important!
Data Sources Public Private Issues: Methodology - accepted statistical practices and available for review Data – quality & comparable across geographies Surveys & Census - sample sizes and response rates Cost & Sharing - data collection and access & Available to public programs without additional cost Academic – replicate and verification
Thank You! Suzan Reagan Phone: University of New Mexico 1919 Las Lomas NE MSC Albuquerque, NM