The project day: 'EARTH´S DAY'' April 22, 2014 morning activities in cooperation of 0th and 1st years
Targets of project day: pupils receive and strengthen the knowledge and the skills in the area of of environmental protection they applied acquired knowledge in practical life By activity WE SAVE OUR FORESTS they accumulated paper activities and results of activities presenting at an exhibition in the main school building
The first A color in containers and properly graded waste to them The first B creatively interprets appropriate and inappropriate behavior in nature
Pupils of 0.A in groups sorted into containers for paper, plastic, glass cut out food containers from advertising leaflets Pupils of 0.B will identify and draw what they can and can not do in nature
Class 0.A discussed and divided into groups of different food packaging made of paper aluminum, cardboard, plastic, glass. Class 0.B used waste material and created a large robot.
All classes were involved in activities: 'We save forests'' and collected the paper used. The results of of individual activities they presented at the exhibition in the main school building. The project was involved by35 pupils.