Lifecycle of a product(s) Eco Footprint.
What does the word ‘REDUCE’ mean? To cut down on or to make a reduction in.
What do the words ‘Eco Footprint’ mean? The ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems. It compares human demand with planet Earth's ecological capacity to regenerate.
Reduction Campaign! New policies are needed to deal with the increasing amount of plastics litter polluting our ocean. Studies show that in the some areas of the Pacific there is 46 times more plastic than plankton by weight. The problem of plastic litter is only growing. Plastic is the fastest-growing component of the waste stream. And beacuse plastic essentially never biodegrades, once littered plastic becomes a permanent environmental problem. The solution is clear: highly-littered plastic items like plastic bags and polystyrene food packaging need to be banned. Californians should reduce their use of disposable packaging. And what packaging that remains should be recycled through the the Bottle Bill model.Bottle Bill