Info Session – Appetite for Waste Erasmus+ youth exchange in Kaunas
Contents Sample Knowledge assessment Food waste Laws/regulations Packaging Initiatives Conclusions Action groups
Sample (36 participants) Median age: 22.5 Male/female ratio: 52% males against 48% females Self-grade for current knowledge: 5.07
Food waste Every food product that is grown/produced but not eaten
Not all food is accepted for sale Food grown (e.g. apples) may not have the standard shape, colour, etc. Therefore food producers make more food than necessary (to compensate for the unaccepted) Reasons mentioned by you – right Reasons mentioned by you - wrong
Supermarkets do not sell all the shelved food Such food (e.g. after due date) is usually & continuously thrown out as garbage Some may be given to charities (e.g. Food Bank) Your mention – right Your mention - wrong
Food also wasted pretty much everywhere: At restaurants, canteens, bakeries, specialised shops, markets, family tables, BBQs & so on and so forth
How many of you were close?
How to save more food (4 Rs)? 1. Reduce food waste 2. Recycle wasted food 3. Reuse the leftovers 4. Redistribute unused food How to do that?
Laws / regulations Banning supermarkets destroying unsold food, instead obliging them to give it to charities Passed in France (May, 2015) Giving support for supermarkets, other businesses and charities involved in food saving Your mentions
Special food packaging a label which is attached to food packaging and changes shape when the produce is no longer good Much more reliable than the due date
Special packaging Food packaging discouraging food waste (alike cigarette pack labels) ‘Stop food waste’, etc. Your mentions
Other initiatives Restaurants re-cooking used food (and then selling without a price so that homeless can eat and regular customer pay as much as they want) Food Bank, similar charities - redistributing unwanted food to the poor Online marketing campaigns, videos – educating people & discouraging food waste Your mentions
Conclusions Food waste is a huge problem, however there are solutions Our knowledge is far from absolute Therefore we are going to work to: increase our expertise on the topic Find and propose ideas/solutions
Action groups (from day 1) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6
Your presentations Day 4 Wednesday (August 5 th ) Latvia Romania Croatia Day 5 Thursday (August 6 th ) Lithuania Italy Poland
Task (20 min) In the action groups choose one of the 4 R’s (one R may be chosen at most twice): i. Reducing food waste ii. Recycling wasted food iii. Reusing the leftovers iv. Redistributing unused food 1. Think what grand initiative/strategy would encourage people to do so (your chosen R)? 2. What would be the benefits if people were doing so? 3. Draw everything on a big sheet of paper. There are no limits this time – so be creative