Is Your Office ADA Compliant? The Chicago Bar Foundation ADA Title III – Public Accommodations: Place of public accommodation means a facility, operated by a private entity, whose operations affect commerce and fall within at least one of the following categories -- (6) A Laundromat, dry-cleaner, bank, barber shop, beauty shop, travel service, shoe repair service, funeral parlor, gas station, office of an accountant or lawyer, pharmacy, insurance office, professional office of a health care provider, hospital, or other service establishment;
Is Your Office ADA Compliant? The Chicago Bar Foundation ADA Title III; Subpart D -- New Construction and Alterations Sec New construction. (a)General. (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, discrimination for purposes of this part includes a failure to design and construct facilities for first occupancy after January 26, 1993, that are readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities. (b)Sec Alterations. (a) General. (1) Any alteration to a place of public accommodation or a commercial facility, after January 26, 1992, shall be made so as to ensure that, to the maximum extent feasible, the altered portions of the facility are readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, including individuals who use wheelchairs.
Is Your Office ADA Compliant? The Chicago Bar Foundation ADA Title III; Subpart C -- Specific Requirements Sec Removal of Barriers. (a) General. A public accommodation shall remove architectural barriers in existing facilities, including communication barriers that are structural in nature, where such removal is readily achievable, i.e., easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without much difficulty or expense.
Is Your Office ADA Compliant? The Chicago Bar Foundation
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