The background The agro-food sector is of major importance for the European economy as a whole but especially for us,for our products have always been appreciated in the world. For consumers, safety should be the most important ingredient of their food. Recent crises have undermined public confidence in the capacity of the food industry and of public authorities to ensure that food is safe. Good Food Good Mood COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships GB1-COM
Young habits Moreover our young are fascinated by “junk food” and are not always responsible and informed consumers. For some of them living in the extreme suburbs of the city,with problems of social inclusion, lack of family care, of a responsible food education, the poor conditions of the family, the depression are all possible causes of misleading food habits. Our young often eat all that is fast,cheap and fashionable.
We must establish (or re-establish ) young confidence in food supply food science food culture food laws food controls. General Aim of the project: to encourage responsible consumerism
With this project we want also to encourage and improve in all students (at different levels) 1. Communication in the mother tongue; 2. Communication in foreign languages; 3. Basic competences in the subjects involved; 4. Digital competence; 5. Learning to learn; 6. Group working 7. Sense of initiative
European projects and school curriculum The project will be integrated in the curriculum of the classes involved which means: All students can take part (group work or single productions) Use of lesson time to work on the project Materials produced will be evaluated Materials produced will be used by the students of the last year for their final examinations Different departments will work on the project
Department of technology GMFs : advantages and possible problems generated by this technology Design of a cooling system for food preservation Food labels (subject: graphic) CO2 /gas emissions in food production
Department of sports activities Food and health Food and fitness Unhealthy food and increasing number of eating disorders
Department of history and literature Food traditions in Italian Literature Changes in food habits from Italian Unification up to now Questionnaires on food habits at home : food consumptions food waste food packaging
Department of languages Translation of the project products
Dissemination Website of IPSIA Cattaneo in the European projects ( School events Cattaneo on Facebook Rete Deure ( 31 schools of Lazio ) meetings and website Feedback from mobilities Official website of the project