Development of British North America on America’s Economy and Society SECTION 4 Mercantilism: Trans-Atlantic trade: Middle Passage: Great Awakening Growth in African American population Benjamin Franklin as a symbol of social mobility and individualism
COLONIAL SYSTEM MERCANTILISM All the colonies developed economies that allowed settlers to survive and prosper but each colony differed in its religious, cultural and political customs
WHERE: along the Atlantic Ocean 13 COLONIES WHERE: along the Atlantic Ocean WESTERN BOUNDARY: for Southern & Middle: Appalachian Mountains WHO: Founded by Great Britain between 1607-1732. PURPOSE: economic opportunities, political freedoms, religious freedoms to escape persecution REGIONS: NEW ENGLAND: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut MIDDLE (MID-ATLANTIC): New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware SOUTHERN: Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Caroline, Georgia
Transatlantic Trade Across the Atlantic Triangular Trade Middle Passage: middle portion of 3 way voyage Load ships with rum, cloth and goods to trade for slaves MIDDLE PASSAGE: slaves transported to New World Sell slaves, buy tobacco and other American goods and go back to Britain
Growth of African Population Cash crops: tobacco and later cotton Workers: plant, grow, harvest crops ##’s: majority of slaves were in Southern colonies because of agriculture based economies Growth of African Population
GROWTH OF AFRICAN AMERICAN CULTURE Music Religion Dance Language Culture: basket weaving Pottery making
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Founding Father Social Mobility and individualism: born into poor family from Boston, MA Printer Apprentice at 12; 17 ran away and sailed to London to learn about business Returned to Philadelphia in 1726 as experienced printer, writer, businessman 84 years: world’s leading authors, philosophers, scientists, inventors, and politicians
GREAT AWAKENING: ?? authority 1730’s religious revival in New England Puritans lose grip on society; membership declines Brotherly love: NA & AA join churches, slavery evil COLLEGES THAT CAME OUT OF THE Great Awakening: Princeton, Brown, Rutgers, Dartmouth, Columbia
QUESTIONS: 1ST English settlement in North America? What was the City Upon a Hill? 1st French settlement in North America? What was the Middle Passage? What was the 1st representative government in the NW? Describe & name the Mid-Atlantic colonies? What was the ultimate purpose of the 13 colonies for Great Britain? Name and describe the Triangular trade routes. Benjamin Franklin: why are the terms social mobility and individualism associated with him? Name 3 colleges that came out of the Great Awakening: