Plants & Classification Notes There will be a quiz on this material soon. Please take notes
What are plants? Multi-cellular organisms Make own food (photosynthesis) Have chloroplasts Have rigid cell walls made of cellulose Found all over the world
Plants provide: Food Oxygen Medicines Building materials Textiles (fibers) Coloring pigments
Plant Parts Roots Anchors the plant Absorbs water & minerals Storage AKA “tuber” Pic is hyperlink
Plant Parts Stems Support plant Storage Food & water “highway” Xylem carries water & minerals; goes up stem only Phloem carries food; goes up & down the stem Pic is hyperlink
Plant Parts Leaves Provide food (photosynthesis) Have chloroplasts (green coloring-chlorophyll) Transpiration (“sweating”) Respiration Pic is hyperlink
Plant Classification
Plants Without Seeds Need water to reproduce Reproduce with spores Include Mosses Ferns Horsetails Bladderworts Upper right pic is hyperlink
Plants with Seeds 2 types Found all over the world Upper right pic is hyperlink
Gymnosperms Means “naked seed” Often have cones & needle-like leaves Do not have flowers Ex: conifers, gingko
Angiosperms Flowering plants Largest group Pic is hyperlink
Angiosperms Monocots Has 1 food part Parallel veins Petals in groups of 3, 6, 9 Xylem & phloem scattered throughout stem
Angiosperms Dicots Have 2 food parts Net-like veins Petals in groups of 4 or 5 Xylem & phloem are ring-like in stem
Homework Scavenger Hunt!!! Find the following things: A root A stem A leaf 3 examples of seeds Paste them on a sheet of paper and label each of them Be sure to include your name!!!