LOGO Vietnam Inflation and Investment Strategies Investment Department Jul 2011
Contents Inflation introduction 1. Vietnam Overview 2. Investment Strategies 3.
What is Inflation ?
What is Inflation ? INFLATION
What is Inflation ? INFLATION
What is Inflation ? INFLATION
In Economics, Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time What is Inflation ?
Method to measure inflation is CPI (Consumer Price Index) What is Inflation ? Month over month Year over year Year to date CPI
Method to measure inflation is CPI (Consumer Price Index) What is Inflation ? Month over month Year over year Year to date CPI Vietnam 1.17% 22.16% 14.61%
For Government fiscal & monetary policies For enterprises expenses, salary policies, … Investors real profit Employee real income For countries the living index Meaning of Inflation
Contents Inflation introduction 1. Vietnam Overview 2. Investment Strategies 3. 4.
Vietnam CPI Basket
Vietnam CPI Basket Housing & construction 10.01% Food and foodstuffs 39.93% key items
Vietnam CPI Basket Vietnam CPI Basket Housing & construction 10.01% Food and foodstuffs 39.93% Transport 8.87% Family appliances and tool 8.65% Medicament health 5.61% Textile footgear and hat 7.28% 9 Drink and cigarettes 4.03% 10 Communication 2.73% Education 5.72% Entertainment and tourism 3.83% Other 3.34% key items
Vietnam CPI Basket Vietnam CPI Basket Housing & construction 10.01% Food and foodstuffs 39.93% Transport 8.87% Family appliances and tool 8.65% Medicament health 5.61% Textile footgear and hat 7.28% 9 Drink and cigarettes 4.03% 10 Communication 2.73% Education 5.72% Entertainment and tourism 3.83% Other 3.34% key items
Vietnam Inflation Overview
Phase: 1976 – 1981 % Hyper inflation 1976 – 1981 ~ 60% Initial stage after the war Wrong economic policies REFORM period
Vietnam Inflation Overview Phase: 1981 – 1988 % Hyper inflation 1976 – 1981 ~ 60% 1981 – 1988 ~ 514% Initial stage after the war Wrong economic policies REFORM period
Vietnam Inflation Overview Phase: 1988– 1992 % Hyper inflation 1976 – 1981 ~ 60% 1981 – 1988 ~ 514% 1988 – 1992 ~ 46% Initial stage after the war Wrong economic policies REFORM period
Vietnam CPI Overview 1992 – 2000 ~ 8.2% 2000 – 2011 ~ 9.4% Phase: 1992 – 2011 ASEAN countries financial crisis Government boosted GDP
Current CPI remain at high level Tighten monetary and fiscal policies Top ten highest inflation Countries as of Jun 2011 Vietnam CPI Overview
Reasons of Inflation Credit growth vs CPI Higher credit growth -> higher inflation Delay time: 5 – 8 months 1. HIGH credit growth for non manufactory industry
Reasons of Inflation 2. LOW investment efficiency Vietnam ICOR vs CPI
Reasons of Inflation 2. LOW investment efficiency Vietnam ICOR vs CPI Vietnam ICOR vs other peers countries Average line LOWER investment efficiency => HIGHER inflation
Contents Inflation introduction 1. Vietnam Overview 2. Investment Strategies 3..
Investment strategies Vietnam US market CPI current 1978
Investment strategies 1978 current Vietnam US market CPI
Investment strategies Correlation between Current Vietnam and US 1978: -CPI was twice at its peaks within 3- 4 years -US CPI gradually decreased => VN CPI also gradually decrease in the next 15 years ? 1978 current Vietnam US market CPI
Investment strategies Investment strategy for 15 coming years (from US experiences) 1978 current Vietnam US market CPI
Vietnam US market CPI 10ys bond yield Investment strategy for 15 coming years (from US experiences) 1.Bonds investment ~ 184% Investment strategies current
Vietnam US market CPI 10ys bond yield Stock index Investment strategy for 15 coming years (from US experiences) 1.Bonds investment ~ 184% 2.Stock investment ~ 580% Investment strategies current
Vietnam US market CPI Stock index 10ys bond yield Real estate index Investment strategy for 15 coming years (from US experiences) 1.Bonds investment ~ 184% 2.Stock investment ~ 580% 3.Real estate investment ~ 5% Investment strategies current
Vietnam US market CPI Stock index 10ys bond yield Real estate index Investment strategy for 15 years coming years (from US experiences) 1.Bonds investment ~ 44% 2.Stock investment ~ 580% 3.Real estate investment ~ 5% Stock Investment strategies current