Research for Collective Bargaining Negotiators’ Forum By Charles M Nsama Director Research, ZUFIAW
Preparation For BU 1. Analysis of Demands 2. Consultation with other Branches 3. Analysis of General Cost of Living 4. Review your institution’s Cost Structure 5. Review of Previous BUs 6. Analysis of General Cost of Living 7. Legal Guidance on some of the Common Demands 8. Review of Industrial Competitors 9. Formulation and Consolidation of Points
Consultation with other Branches from other Town Unions usually fall short in effective Collective Bargaining due to lack of various compounding issues, which include; lack of wide consultation amongst colleagues, poor preparation for negotiations and lack of fundamental negotiation skills (research, analysis, confidentiality and endurance). In order to be more effective, members of the bargaining team need to consult with colleagues from your institutions that are in different town, as this leads to; a.Building of trust b.Ownership by all c.Acceptance of results from the BU d.Representation of General Demands
1. Analysis of Demands It is very important to fully and effectively analyse the demands that have been presented to management even before the commencement of the Bargaining session. After presentation of demands to management, the delegation team needs to sit with the other Branch committee members and go through the demands and identify means of attaining their demands. Look at how realistic your demands are Identify possible challenges you might face on the BU Agree on your extreme minimum on each of the demands presented
Analysis of General Cost of Living In your research for Collective Bargaining, focus on the following sources of information; i.Basic Needs Basket (BNB) produced by the JCTR ii.CSO monthly Bulletins. iii.Vital Economic Statistics- Bank of Zambia website iv.Ministerial Pronouncements- Ministry of Information and Broadcasting- v.Collective Agreements from industrial competitors- vi.Labour Laws (ILRA Chapter 289, Employment Act Chapter 268) vii.Institutional Financial reports- Institutional Heads (HR, Finance, PR)
Legal Guidance on some of the Common Demands Employment Act CAP 268 Section 41 (Housing and Welfare) Section 44 (Protection of Wages) Minimum Wage & Conditions of Employment CAP 276 Section 4 (Overtime) Section 5 (Annual Leave) Section 6 (Paid Sick Leave) Section 13 (Funeral Grant) Section 14 (Transport Allowance) Section 15 ( Lunch Allowance) Section 19 (Housing Allowance) Industrial and Labour Relations Act Cap 269 Section 66 (Establishment of BU) Section 75 (Settlement of Disputes)
Review your institution’s Cost Structure Most institutions prioritize expenses aimed at enhancing their corporate image to the general public at the expense of staff welfare. BU teams need to identify expenses in the institution’s cost structure and see where savings can be made in order to sustain the improvement of the workers’ conditions of service. 1.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSO) projects and their impact against expected results. 2. Depreciation and Amortization fees. Review efficiency levels and reduction in waste 3.Travel Expenses. Review frequency, delegation size and purpose of travel 4.Costs of Basic and Special Instructions- Effectiveness and Efficiency
Review of Previous BUs It is important for the team to also review BU reports of previous negotiations. This review process must focus on the following; Collective Agreements Addendums Minutes of Previous Bargaining Units Consultation with previous Delegation Leaders Consultation with Secretariat (GS, DGS, DWE, DR, WDC)
Analysis of General Cost of Living Review Cost Update pages- 1.Central Statistics Office- 2.Jesuit Center for Theological Reflection (JCTR)
Review of Previous BUs 1. Review the arguments presented by both parties of the BU and see how each party responded. 2. Review the Bargaining Unit’s Chairperson’s comments and guidance 3. Look out for flows (mistakes) and valid arguments and see how you can relate them to your own negotiations 4. Observe the key points of defence given by management and establish ways in which you can counter those arguments. 5. Review weaknesses in the Union’s presentation and establish ways of improving on those arguments.
Review of Industrial Competitors 1.Review collective Agreements and Addendums from industrial competitors and see how these could be used to inform your negotiations 2.Look at best practices existing in other institutions and use them in your presentations to management for the negotiations. 3.Financial Reports – Look at the profit and losses recorded by these institutions and increments awarded to their members of staff.
Formulation and Consolidation of Points Before the commencement of the negotiations, consider the following; i.Meet as a Union BU Delegation together with the Delegation leader and consolidate your points for each demand. ii.Incorporate progressive submissions from colleagues from the institution, especially from Branches in other towns iii.Strategize on how to get managements ceiling position on the demands before and during the negotiations. iv.Position a member to be counter researching on management’s presentations.