The Thirteen Colonies Chapter 5
The New England Colonies Puritans Arrive Puritans coming from England to settle on Mass. Bay Practicing religious beliefs – wouldn’t let anyone settle if had different beliefs John Winthrop governor Built city on hill so all would look up to them
Change & Conflict Some thought they should be able to follow own beliefs Roger Williams & Anne Hutchinson disagreed Expelled from Mass. So started Rhode Island King Phillips war took place because colonists were taking over Native American land – many died
Life in New England Everyone had to attend church on Sun. or punished People did things together –work, worship, & school Voting at town meetings was done by male church members Started Harvard University Women cooked & men farmed & hunted
New England’s Economy Farming, fishing, ship building, & trading England had strict rules in trading – exports could only be sent to England or English colonies & they could only buy imports from England
Middle Passage Triangular Trade Routes – shipped goods from colonies, England, West Indies & Africa Middle Passage was a path that sent slaves to the English colonies Treated poorly and many died Colonists began to form groups against slave trade
Middle Colonies Settling Middle Colonies New Netherland tried to claim land but English warships took over England started New York & New Jersey Quakers settled these colonies – they believed that all were equal Wanted refuge or safe place because were arrested do to not showing loyalty to king
Pennsylvania William Penn was proprietor – owner – of Pennsylvania & Delaware Wanted all to live together regardless of religion peacefully – welcomed all immigrants Wrote Frame of Govt of Penn – stating you’d have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and trial by jury
Life in Middle Colonies Great Awakening allowed anyone to practice religion Became part of social life & lots of diversity Philadelphia largest city – Ben Franklin started hospital, college, library and fire station
Breadbasket Colonies Grew wheat, corn, and rye Most families would take goods to ports – trade at general store New York City & Philadelphia were large ports Men becoming apprentices by learning a trade
Southern Colonies Maryland & Virginia Had tobacco as cash crop Located near Chesapeake Bay & Potomac River Calverts founded Maryland – place for Catholics to live Maryland – had proprietor & Virginia had governor Toleration Act gave religious freedom to all
Carolinas & Georgia Georgia – had debtors – people who owed money to settle the lands Plantations & slavery helped economy Carolina divided into North & South Tobacco & corn in NC & rice in SC Had constitution to adopt laws but proprietors still had most power
Heading West Settlers headed to back country to settle using Great Wagon Road Settlers were destroying NA villages Pushed NA off lands, fought back, & some captured and put to work on plantations
Slavery in the Colonies Mid 1700’s slavery was legal in all 13 colonies Treated poorly by owners Escaped slaves attended school & wanted to help others be free
Life in the South Most people lived or worked on plantations & had slaves Colonists had small farms Large cities & ports for importing & exporting goods 1st college in south – College of William & Mary
Southern Economy Tobacco, rice, & indigo were the main cash crops Indigo seeds came from West Indies Ship building was an important industry Brokers who would buy & sell goods for owners
Test Review for Thursday 2-4 Why did Puritans start the Massachusetts Bay Colony? What does diversity mean? Why did Calverts establish colony of Maryland? What caused King Philip’s War? What are imports? What was the self government that the Middle Colonies use? Why was Philadelphia a good location for imports? How did people become artisans? Where did people go on the Great Wagon Road? Where did enslaved people work in southern colonies?
Essay ?’s What were some of the trade rules for the New England Colonies? Effect of the Great Awakening? How did the Puritans create “a city on a hill”? How did Roger Williams & Anne Hutchinson voice their opinion about New England? How did slavery develop differently in the New England, Middle, & Southern colonies?