SACH - Struggle For Change If We all do a Little, We can do a Lot Presented By: Khalida Salimi (Executive Director-SACH)
Non governmental, non-profit making organization. Registered under Societies Act Registered in NGO in special consultative status with economic and social council of the United Nations in 1999.
Accredited with United Nations Department of Public Information Recognized by UN for its work on human rights by awarding United Nations Recognition award in Experts committee member for Child Rights in Pakistan.
Managing committee member for Women crisis center (Ministry of women development). Member juvenile justice reform committee. Member human rights ministry.
“To see a society free of violence/torture where human beings, especially the marginalized sections of the society, can practice their rights without any fear of being exploited.”
Winning Credibility and partnerships Capacity building & care for care givers Multi disciplinary approach Identification of Victims Reaching out communities Center Based Services Outreach Activities
Provided scientific grounds for ratification by presenting research- based evidence of current practices and the remedies available. Provided guidance on how state can immediately be able to have compliance within existing legal framework. Policy inputs for future legislations.
CAT RATIFICATION Awareness Series of dialogue with stakeholders (Judiciary, Lawyers, Police, Media, Parliamentarians) Engaging state authorities Govt. concerns addressed by compliance of laws Legislative Compliance PREVENTION OF TORTURE REHABILITATION Evidence of occurrence Contributes in Prevention “Denial” to “Acceptance” by State Authorities The Process Continues
Other Non State Actors Visible distance between civil society and GOVT. Conflicts between org and stake holders including GOVT. Pushing attitude in advocacy and lobbying SACH strategies Credible positioning of SACH. Non Confrontational approaches in all actions. Persuasive attitude. Without denouncing police rather accepting weak areas
Other Non State Actors Less focus for Judiciary and medico legal professionals. Little or No efforts on Ministerial level Capacity Building SACH Strategies Priority area for Building the Capacity of Judges. Consistent efforts for relevant ministries
Other Non State Actors Little or less space for ownership to the stakeholders. Self projection We and You approach SACH Strategies Maximum Ownership for the targeted stake holders. Stakeholder oriented approach. “US” Strategy
To seek truth not confession. Discipline may only be used for prevention of crime. Use of non-torturous modern techniques in investigations. Accountability at all levels. Rule of Law
Raise awareness about the issue. Document cases of torture in a way that victims may not be negatively affected. Hold debates and discussions on the issue of torture.
To table the issue of torture and follow up. To take steps for the eradication of torture through legislation. To promote implementation of Convention Against Torture (CAT) and its related protocols. To work out on the police reforms.
Community Outreach Activities
Women and children after a shirt-painting contest A focus group of Afghan females Children being taught different skills.
Workshops with judiciary of KPK, AJK, Punjab and Federal Govt. on Human Rights and Child Abduction protocol
Honorable Chief Justice of Pakistan