1 The INSPIRE Geoportal Ioannis Kanellopoulos Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability
2 The INSPIRE EU Geoportal Requirements Current Status Development How to participate Compliance testing State of play
3 Requirements (1) Required by the INSPIRE Directive Provide access to the Member States INSPIRE services Aim to provide an operational platform to satisfy the requirements of the directive and IR Development and operation under EC responsibility INSPIRE geoportal dependent on the IR development The INSPIRE Geoportal
4 Requirements (2) discovery services - search for spatial data sets and spatial data services on the basis of the content of corresponding metadata, display the metadata content; view services - as a minimum, display, navigate, zoom in/out, pan, or overlay spatial data sets and display legend information and any relevant content of metadata; download services, enabling copies of complete spatial data sets, or of parts of such sets, to be downloaded; transformation services, enabling spatial data sets to be transformed; “invoke spatial data services”, enabling data services to be invoked. The INSPIRE Geoportal
5 Diversity Information is represented in various data models and coordinate reference systems. Distribution A European SDI is formed by regional and local SDIs that have their own Metadata models, Catalogues, etc. Multilinguality The European Union comprises 23 official languages. This has significant impact on how discovery of data and services is performed. Challenges of the INSPIRE Geoportal
6 Prototype Development Under the responsibility of EC JRC Open to joint developments with MS Test drive International standards and specifications Valuable resource of experiences Support INSPIRE DTs –provides a test platform for the development of the INSPIRE IRs Current Priorities Metadata Discovery services (catalogue interoperability) View services Current Status
7 INSPIRE Architecture
8 INSPIRE geoportal Architecture View Client Catalogue Client Management Access control
9 Access to distributed metadata catalogues –Real time search –Harvesting/caching Services and interfaces compliant with draft INSPIRE IR and international specifications and standards (ISO, OGC) Metadata Catalogue
10 CatalogueArchitecture
11 Access Distributed Catalogues EC JRC Distributed Catalogues study (2006) Assess state of the art in metadata catalogue technologies and “test drive” use of standards Specific adapters need to be implemented on a case by case basis Shortcomings in OGC specification result in too many degrees of freedom in implementations Impact OGC updated specification ISO TC211 ad hoc group established
12 Italy: Regione Lombardia Regione Lombardia Germany: CeGi GEOcatalog CeGi GEOcatalog Geodatenkatalog others: EEA EEA ESA IGOS France: BRGM BRGM Spain: IDEC IDEC IDEE The INSPIRE geoportal performs federated catalogues search
13 GEOSS Architecture Interoperability Pilot Clearinghouse; Web Portal. International Cooperation
14 Alignment of metadata editor, search criteria and discovery with INSPIRE (draft) IR ( ) View services according to INSPIRE (draft) IR ( ) Multi-lingual ( ) Use of thesauri ( ) Provide reference info to DTs (continuous) Download services, incl. security ( ) Registries ( ….) feature catalogues, glossary etc Current and Future Developments
15 Multilingual search and discovery Metadata are created and discovered in various languages.Multilinguality will include : 1. Automatic translation of metadata contents 2. Multi-lingual search, including translation of search keywords soils Search for : sols boden suelos… +
16 Roadmap ArticleDescription 24§12009Provisions of Directive are brought into force in MS (transposition date) 6(a)2010Metadata available for spatial data corresponding to Annex I and Annex II spatial data themes Discovery and View Network services are operational The EC establishes and runs a geoportal at Community level 21§22010Member States’ First Report to the Commission. From then onwards MS have to present reports every 3 years Download Services Operational
17 Availability of catalogue service –Compliant to OGC catalogue service (OGC CSW 2.0) specification OR Availability of metadata –Through a web accessible folder –Upload metadata files to the geoportal –Metadata compliant with INSPIRE (draft) IR or ISO 19115/19119/19139, or DC OR –Provision of appropriate transformation tools View services –compliant with OGC WMS Requirements for participation
18 Metadata Catalogues –To perform interoperability tests –To benchmark performance issues –To Investigate different scenarios/topologies (e.g. real-time vs harvesting) View Services –To be viewed through the INSPIRE Geoportal map client What for?
19 The document contains an inventory of existing solutions for compliance testing and interoperability checking of metadata taking into account the draft INSPIRE metadata implementing rules under the assumptions that the metadata will be available in the XML format following an INSPIRE metadata schema definition file This survey has proved that users can find, at present, different solutions as on the software market of commercial products as in the freeware source areas. These solutions can address the main requirements related to management (including validation and interoperability) of metadata resources. Metadata State of Play Compliance Testing
20 The document contains an inventory of existing solutions for compliance testing and interoperability checking of services, the assumption being that the services are web services. According to the evidence collected it seems that any software solution that will have to consider the INSPIRE requirements for web services and their interoperability cannot abstract from the “state of play” of a SOA architecture and its evolution. The problem with a “standard” SOA stack is that the well-defined and accepted “layers” associated with TCP/IP and OSI don’t exist. Services State of Play Compliance Testing
21 The document contains an inventory of existing solutions for compliance testing and interoperability checking for data taking into account the draft INSPIRE data specifications conceptual model (D2.5), the first draft of the INSPIRE Methodology for the development of data specifications (D2.6) and the first draft of the data Specifications Guidelines for the encoding of spatial data (D2.7), with a particular attention paid to checking compliance with “application schemas” as defined in the previously mentioned documents. The solutions, platforms and software packages investigated will need more time to adjust to the INSPIRE final requirements and get in tune with the involved standards. Data State of Play Compliance Testing
22 Web Site: For more information contact