16 July 2008 Charlotte Grezo Guardian Climate Change Summit Achieving a Global Message Confidential Presentation
Achieving a global message Getting senior management buy in and support Embedding sustainability One message about climate change 1
Getting buy in and support Consult and listen carefully Understand your business and it’s strategy Understand it’s governance Identify and work with key players Develop strategy that supports and is relevant to the business Design governance that gives clear accountabilities and is part of the company governance structure There is no single model – it depends on the culture and organisation of your company / institution 2
Getting buy in cont’d Prioritise and focus on key business relevant issues Are there opportunities to commercialise or build brand and reputation? Measurement, KPIs, targets and reporting Keep on building your community of support Communicate, communicate and communicate 3
Strategy, Policy and Governance Development Nov – Mid March Jan – Mid Ma rch Mi d Ma rch – Jun e Jun e 11t h Extensive consultation through internal and external interviews Development of draft Strategy, Policy and Governance Continued wider consultation and finalisation of Strategy, Policy and Governance Approval of Strategy, Policy and Governance by Executive Committee Process Interviews undertaken : 92 Included individuals from all relevant parts of the company, all members of the Executive Committee and externally a range of NGOs 4
Embedding sustainability Strategy and Principles Transparency, Communications and Reporting Thought Leadership Market OpportunitiesRisk AssessmentOperations Govts & Regulators Employees ClientsShareholders Civil Society 5
Sustainability principles We believe that Lehman Brothers has a role to play in delivering environmental and social solutions We will build partnerships and value for our clients through environmental and social opportunities, be one of the most responsible Investment Banks and contribute to superior returns for our shareholders Vision Transparency and accountability Operations Employees Assessing risk Delivering opportunity Market-based solutions Investments Thought leadership Governance 6
Evolving climate change strategy and governance Executive Committee Assessing RiskMarket OpportunitiesOperational Impact Thought Leadership Stakeholder Engagement Council on Climate Change Sustainability Principles
Council on Climate Change Lead approach to climate change Oversight of operational impacts Act as facilitator between business and policy makers Promote market based solutions Advance understanding of climate change and it’s commercial implications Engage employees Objectives 8
To show leadership on climate change To oversee and guide implementation of the work programme Council on Climate Change Organisation 3. Governance, Structure, and Establishment of Working Group to Support the Council Secretary Chair President Membership of Steering Group Role of Steering Group To deliver the Terms of Reference of the Council Council on Climate Change Core Group Council on Climate Change Working Group Core Group Council on Climate Change Steering Group 9 Corporate & Ops Investment Banking Equities Fixed Income Asset Management
Advancing understanding and facilitating dialogue Climate Change Summits New York, London, Tokyo
Market-based solutions Carbon trading Climate Change indices Climate Change funds Invest in alternative energy companies Company and sector research Advise and raise finance for companies Thought leadership Fixed Income (FID) / Commodities Investment Management Private Equity & Principal Investment Equities, FID & Investment Banking Communication 11 Index
Climate Change Communications Set within sustainability framework Create forum or network that includes the vested interests Consult more widely Ensure business relevance Gain approval from senior management High level message the same but leave space for local flexibility Developing consistent messages 12
In conclusion Consultation Governance Accountability Business relevance Prioritisation Data, KPIs, targets and reporting Communication 13
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16 July 2008 Charlotte Grezo Guardian Climate Change Summit Achieving a Global Message Confidential Presentation