Who Speaks What, Where, and Why?
French Family – Indo-European Branch - Latin Group - Romance Evolved over time Francien – Standard French MANY dialects
France = Hearth Haiti = French Colonized
QUEBEC: 80% French speaking QUEBEC: 80% French speaking. Result of Migration… Quebec was a French Province.
French Speaking Countries Official language in 29 countries * Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, Haiti, W. Africa, Polynesian Islands
Mandarin Family - Sino-Tibetan Branch - Sinitic No single Chinese Language Mandarin = primary Most used language in the world Unity and strength for China ALL Sinitic languages use the same written symbols even though they are pronounced differently!!!
Zulu Family - Niger-Congo Branch - Benue-Congo Ancient Language of the Zulu – S. Africa No early written record Heavily influenced by European Colonization Unusual sounds - clicks
Mongolian Family - Altaic So close to China but totally different language Nomadic, lots of Turkish influence!
Khmer Family - Austro-Asiatic Spoken in Cambodia primarily Hearth was India! Gets its name from the ancient Khmer civilization (Angkor Wat)