AIM: How were the 4 Middle Colonies established?
1. New York
It all began with Henry Hudson’s Voyages It all began with Henry Hudson’s Voyages
New Netherlands New Netherlands – ) § Established by Dutch West India Company for quick-profit fur trade. § [New Amsterdam]- port city
New Amsterdam, 1660 § patroonships – huge estates granted to people who would settle 50 families on them § diverse population - many different languages.
Then the English Came …
New Netherlands Becomes a British Royal Colony Charles II granted New Netherland ’ s land to his brother, the Duke of York 1664 English soldiers arrived. Dutch had little ammunition and poor defenses. Governor Peter Stuyvesant forced to surrender without firing a shot since colonists disliked him …. Renamed “ New York ” England gained a great harbor England now controlled the Atlantic coast!
2. Pennsylvania
Who were the Quakers Called Quakers because they “ quaked ” during intense religious practices. They refused to pay taxes to support the Church of England. Believed all were children of God refused to treat the upper classes with more respect Keep hats on. Addressed them as commoners ” thees ” / “ thous. ” Wouldn ’ t take oaths. Pacifists- hated war
Aristocratic Englishman he received a grant from king to establish a colony. § Named Pennsylvania [ “ Penn ’ s Woodland ” ]. § Called the “ holy experiment ” William Penn
Royal Land Grant to Penn
Penn ’ s Treaty with the Native Americans
Penn & Native Americans Bought [didn ’ t simply take] land from Indians. Quakers went among the Indians unarmed. BUT …….. non-Quaker Europeans flooded PA § Treated native peoples poorly.
Government of Pennsylvania Representative assembly- elected by landowners. No tax-supported church. Freedom of worship - to all. Death penalty only for treason & murder. Compared to 200 capital crimes in England!
Pennsylvanian Society Attracted many different people § Religious misfits from other colonies. § Many different ethnic groups. religious toleration No slavery!! A society that gave its citizens economic opportunity, civil liberty, & religious freedom!!
German Speaking Protestants- the Amish
Urban Population Growth
Duke of York’s Original Charter
3. New Jersey
New Jersey — PA ’ s Neighbor 1664 Lord Berkeley & Sir George Carteret the area from the Duke of York. Called a proprietary colony Fertile farmland became a royal colony
4. Delaware
Delaware — PA ’ s Neighbor Was originally part of Pennsylvania People did not want to travel to Philadelphia to their assembly Formed their own colony- 1704
– Trade- (tools and weapons) – Farming- (cash crops) Wheat, barley, rye – Known as the breadbasket colonies – Large farms
Life in the Backcountry: –Along the Appalachian Mts. –Lived with natives & learned from them –Rough Lifestyle- thick forests –Outdoorsmen
Many Ethnic Groups= diversity