0 Enabling Policy Dialogue in and for the Global South Overview and Perspectives for June 2010 New York International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG)
1 Framework for IPC-IG IPC-IG thematic areas Perspectives in the medium term Institutional development: Challenges and the way forward Overview and Perspectives for
2 Framework for IPC-IG Vision Produce policy-oriented research and facilitate learning and innovation, at the Global Level on Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth through: Global policy dialogue to better reflect the new balance of power and development imperatives of the Global South Exchange and learning between countries to promote inclusive growth in the South.
3 Aareas of Focus and Approach Framework for IPC-IG Current Approach & Areas of Focus Applied Research on Policy & Implementation I.Inclusive Growth II.Rural and Sustainable Development III.Social Protection IV.Development Innovations & Structural Transformation Policies Measurement of Poverty* Capacity Development Policy Dialogue & South-South Exchange * UNDP/Poverty Group/Inclusive Development Cluster
4 IPC-IG Thematic Areas Inclusive Growth Overall Focus : New development paradigm for resilient, sustainable and equitable economic growth and human development in the Global South Specific Focus Areas : 1. Achieving inclusive development and sound fiscal management; 2. Resilience building through social investments; 3. Leadership by the South through mini and multi-lateral engagement – BRICS, IBAS and G20
5 Overall Focus: Promoting policies that jointly tackle social and environmental sustainability Specific Focus Areas 1. Achieving Poverty Reduction and Gender Equality in Climate Change Policy; 2. Sustainable Development – Intersections of poverty and environmental issues; 3. Securing Food Security and Market Access for poor rural communities; 4. Resilience-building in Small Island Developing States (with Inclusive Growth area); IPC-IG Thematic Areas Rural and Sustainable Development
6 Overall Focus Enhancing systematic approaches to social protection and inclusion Specific Focus Areas 1. Policy Research: innovative and inclusive social protection systems and approaches 2. South-South Learning: policy dialogue on inclusive approaches for Social Protection and Inclusion 3. Capacity Development: Capacity Development and training based on research findings IPC-IG Thematic Areas Social Protection and Social Inclusion IPC-IG’s Social Protection gateway
7 IPC-IG Thematic Areas Development Innovations and Structural Transformation Policies Overall Focus Innovation and Transformation in Policy for inclusive development Specific Focus Areas 1. Structural Transformation Policies: Development transformation in the South: lessons from emerging countries 2. Development Innovations: Innovations in sustainable development, health and social development Innovations for social service delivery, inclusive finance and growth
8 Overall Focus: Innovations, Systems and Approaches for sustained S/S Learning and Exchange Specific Focus Areas 1. Policy dialogue on alternative development paradigms particularly in emerging economies 2. Capacity development and information exchange in the global South 3. Leadership by the South in the global development process South-South Policy Dialogue, Learning and Exchange IPC-IG Thematic Areas South-South Learning on Social Protection gateway Upcoming!
9 IPC-IG Thematic Areas South-South Policy Dialogue, Learning and Exchange Development Policy Dialogues and Conferences for 2010: IBAS Summit (April 13-14): IPC-IG organized the IBAS Policy Dialogue Forum with MRE-Brazil Exploring Resilience in the Emerging South (Global Conference on Inclusive Growth): Global governance and financial architecture to promote resilience Resilience building through social investments Innovations for social service delivery, inclusive finance and growth India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) 4 th Dialogue Process Academic Forum: A Policy Dialogue
10 Overall Focus: Engage with key stakeholders in the South, promoting the knowledge generated by IPC-IG, and fostering the policy impact of our research findings Specific Focus Areas 1. Promoting media impact 2. New medias and technologies 3. Global outreach 4. Networking with research centres 5. Website innovations Communications, Outreach and Advocacy IPC-IG Thematic Areas
11 A few figures: IPC’s knowledge-sharing network covers 189 countries. 9 publication series in 4 different languages, covering 16 thematic areas. Training Sessions, Study Tours and Conferences have thus far involved more than 7,500 representatives of around 50 developing countries. 1,600 collaborative research centres in 106 developing countries. Over 250 innovative publications Communications, Outreach and Advocacy IPC-IG Thematic Areas
12 Building on the inclusive growth conceptual definition and implementation strategies Strengthening advocacy for inclusive growth mainstreaming into programming and national development strategies Greater engagement of the Global South in IPC-IG’s decision making process Executive Board composition: Strengthening emerging countries’ involvement in IPC-IG Fellowship programme: facilitating knowledge production and exchange in the South Perspectives for IPC-IG in the medium term Be the leading voice on inclusive growth in and for the South
13 Vision: IPC-IG as the leading voice advocating for inclusive growth in the context of mini and multi- lateral engagements Concrete actions and results: IBSA Academic Forum: A Policy Dialogue June 2010 in Brasilia 100 delegates from the three countries: academia, relevant ministries and government institutions and influential research centres - building a shared understanding on the areas where there is demand for policy research across the IBSA process. Perspectives: IBSA, BRIC and G-20 Emerging countries’ new role in global governance
14 Addressing the Heads of State and Government Building a cooperation portfolio on three agreed areas: Social Development Strategies for Inclusive Growth Health innovations, IPR and Access to essential drugs The role and potential of IBSA as a Plurilateral arrangement Agreement reached on a follow-up programme of action to be facilitated by IPC-IG Commitment among emerging countries for placing IPC-IG as a facilitator of upcoming policy dialogue forums in the context of IBSA and BRIC Perspectives: IBSA, BRIC and G-20 IBSA Academic Forum: A Policy Dialogue
15 Extensive media coverage Great coverage by both international media and the most influential outlets in the three countries: over 500 quotes and articles! IDN INDIA: South-South Cooperation or Trilateral Diplomacy? IDN INDIA: South-South Cooperation or Trilateral Diplomacy? Inter Press Service: IBSA - Closer social connections, not just Gov't tiesIBSA - Closer social connections, not just Gov't ties China Central TV: BRIC-think tank seminar begins in BrasiliaBRIC-think tank seminar begins in Brasilia The Hindu: Singh in BrasiliaSingh in Brasilia Folha de São Paulo: Aonde os emergentes querem chegar?Aonde os emergentes querem chegar? Global Perspectives: Seeking Global Governance That Inspires and UnitesSeeking Global Governance That Inspires and Unites Voices of the South: Emerging Power EquationsEmerging Power Equations Perspectives: IBSA, BRIC and G-20 IBSA Academic Forum: A Policy Dialogue Featuring IPC-IG Voices of the South Magazine South-South Cooperation or Trilateral Diplomacy
16 Streamlined peer-reviewing process Regular contributions by UNDP policy advisors (HQ and Country Offices) Building on a clearer research portfolio on inclusive growth Enhanced participation of and consultation with emerging countries in research production and management Perspectives: Research production and management IPC-IG as a global forum for producing and managing first-class knowledge materials IPC-IG’s publications database Over 250 publications available online! Over 1,000 downloads per day!
17 Engagement with debates and knowledge production on cooperation for development in the South Participation in regional fora and institutions Analyzing Brazil’ and China’s fast-expanding development cooperation portfolio in Africa E.g.: Recent engagement in the international seminar on “Brazil and China in Africa: Challenges for Development Cooperation”Brazil and China in Africa: Challenges for Development Cooperation Perspectives: New trends in development cooperation Facilitating thinking on emerging economies’ cooperation with Africa
18 Contractual and staffing issues Knowledge products harmonization Communications strategies Enhanced collaboration with UNDP Brazil on operational issues: Integration of operational procedures (shared ownership of operations) IPC-IG to be hosted at UN House Regular and constructive dialogue between IPC-IG Director and UN RC Structured collaboration for joint communications activities in Brazil Institutional development: Challenges and the way forward IPC-IG’s greater identification with UNDP
19 Research collaboration between IPC-IG Teams and BDP Clusters Enhanced collaboration with Regional Centres Greater involvement with UNDP Policy Advisors Institutional development: Challenges and the way forward Building synergies between IPC-IG’ and BDP’s work
20 Our thanks for your attention! Twitter.com/UNDP_IPC