Chapter 10: Baptism Purification from sin and a new birth in the Holy Spirit
Matthew 28:16-20 = Jesus tells the Apostles to Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit… Called the Great Commission
Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life 1 st one to be received 1 st one to be received Gives access to all the other Sacraments Gives access to all the other Sacraments Joins a person to Christs Church Joins a person to Christs Church
Water is poured over the person as the words of Jesus are said I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
CCC 1213 = Baptism frees us from sin, makes us children of God, makes us members of the Church
Called Baptism from Greek word meaning to plunge or immerse In Baptism we are immersed in water In Baptism we are immersed in water Water has played an important role in salvation history Water has played an important role in salvation history Spirit breathes on the waters at creation, Noahs ark, Crossing of the Red Sea, Jewish peoples entrance into the Promised Land by crossing the Jordan River Spirit breathes on the waters at creation, Noahs ark, Crossing of the Red Sea, Jewish peoples entrance into the Promised Land by crossing the Jordan River
In NT use of water reaches fulfillment – in Baptism of Jesus and command of Jesus to Baptize people
Baptism has been celebrated from the beginning of the Church = Pentecost
If a person has faith in Jesus Christ then they are baptized Both a deepening and expression of their faith
Sacrament of Baptism transforms a persons soul Romans 6:3-11 = we are buried into Jesus death that we may rise with Him, we receive a newness of life Romans 6:3-11 = we are buried into Jesus death that we may rise with Him, we receive a newness of life
Baptism makes life with God possible CCC 1216 = Baptism is gift because its given to us freely; grace since its given to the guilty; Baptism because sin is buried in the water; anointing because we are anointed; enlightenment because it gives us light; clothing since it veils our shame; bath because it washes and sheild because it is our guard CCC 1216 = Baptism is gift because its given to us freely; grace since its given to the guilty; Baptism because sin is buried in the water; anointing because we are anointed; enlightenment because it gives us light; clothing since it veils our shame; bath because it washes and sheild because it is our guard
Effects of the Sacrament of Baptism Removal of original sin and actual sin Removal of original sin and actual sin Imprinting of indelible spiritual mark that consecrates the person Imprinting of indelible spiritual mark that consecrates the person Entry into Christs Mystical body = the Church Entry into Christs Mystical body = the Church Sanctifying grace = sharing in Gods life Sanctifying grace = sharing in Gods life Adoption as a child of God Adoption as a child of God
More effects … Becoming a temple of the Holy Spirit capable of worshipping God Becoming a temple of the Holy Spirit capable of worshipping God Actual grace = assistance from God to resist sin Actual grace = assistance from God to resist sin Theological virtues of faith, hope and love Theological virtues of faith, hope and love Moral virtues of prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude Moral virtues of prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude Entry into Heaven after a life lived in Christ Entry into Heaven after a life lived in Christ
Grace of Baptism 2 principal effects of Baptism are purification from sin and new birth in the Holy Spirit 2 principal effects of Baptism are purification from sin and new birth in the Holy Spirit Grace of Baptism forgives all sins Grace of Baptism forgives all sins Consequences of sin still remain Consequences of sin still remain Frailties in human nature remain – weakness of character and inclination to sin = concupiscence Frailties in human nature remain – weakness of character and inclination to sin = concupiscence
Grace of Baptism outweighs our weaknesses Grace of Baptism outweighs our weaknesses We have grace of justification We have grace of justification Enables us to believe in, hope in and love God Enables us to believe in, hope in and love God Gives us the power to live and act under the Holy Spirit Gives us the power to live and act under the Holy Spirit Allows us to grow in goodness through moral virtues Allows us to grow in goodness through moral virtues
We receive both sanctifying and actual grace We receive both sanctifying and actual grace Through Baptism we are made adopted children of God and all brothers and sisters Through Baptism we are made adopted children of God and all brothers and sisters We are called to be Christ for each other We are called to be Christ for each other –Pray, act and speak in every situation as Christ would
The whole Christian life has its roots in Baptism