By Ekaterina K.Mukovnikova, group 14A01 1 Mythical Origins of language
Contents 2 Hebrew Bible India North America Europe Africa Amazonas
3 Hebrew Bible "with its top in the heavens...lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the Earth" ; God came down to see what they did and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be with holden from them which they purpose to do" ; "Come, let us go down and confound their speech“;
4 India Brahma, the Hindu creator-god
5 North America An Iroquois story tells of the god Taryenyawagon guiding his people on a journey and directing them to settle in different places whence their languages changed. In the mythology of the Yuki, indigenous (туземные) people of California, a creator, accompanied by Coyote creates language as he creates the tribes (племя) in various localities.
6 Europe
7 Africa The Wa-Sania, a Bantu people of East African origin have a tale that in the beginning, the peoples of the earth knew only one language, but during a severe (жестокий) famine (голод), a madness struck the people, causing them to wander in all directions, jabbering strange words, and this is how different languages came about.
8 Amazonas The Ticuna of the Upper Amazon tell that all the peoples were once a single tribe (племя), speaking the same language until two hummingbird (колибри) eggs were eaten, it is not told by whom. Subsequently the tribe split into groups and dispersed far and wide.