H OW TO G RAB YOUR O PPORTUNITY Aliaa El Zeiny 24 th December, 2012
Do you want to study abroad? Do you have a dream of going to a top school like Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge? If yes, can you afford it? If you can’t! This presentation if for YOU!
W HAT IS A SCHOLARSHIP ? schol·ar·ship Noun 1. Academic study or achievement; learning of a high level. 2. A grant or payment made to support a student's education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievement
H OW DO Y OU SEARCH FOR A SCHOLARSHIP ? Use a good search engine: Keywords: 1. Type of Support: Scholarship, Grant, Fellowship 2. Egyptian, International Students, Developing Countries, African Countries, MENA region 3. Your major: Biology, Literature, Engineering 4. The degree you are seeking: BA, MA, PhD
W HAT TO LOOK FOR IN A C ALL FOR P ROPOSAL ? Study Subject(s) Eligibility Selection Criteria How to Apply? Scholarship Application Deadline
H OW TO FIND A SCHOLARSHIP ON A UNIVERSITY WEBSITE ? Go to university website: Look for the Section : Prospective Students Check out: Fees and Funding
W ATCH OUT !! Try to apply for FULL Scholarships/ Waiver of fees Check out if Accommodation/ Living Expenses are covered? Stipends are essential… Medical insurance Working permits
E SSENTIALS Your Grades (GPA) Your English Language level of proficiency Test Scores: SAT: Standardized Admissions Test GRE: Graduate Record Examinations GMAT: Graduate Management Admission Test TOEFL: Test Of English as a Foreign Language IELTS: International English Language Testing System
M Y E XPERIENCE MEPI/ Tomorrow’s Leader scholar AUB Alumni, major Political Science