Chapter 8: The New Testament The story of the greatest sacrifice in the history of the world
NT broken up into 4 sections Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles, Book of Revelation
NT completes the revelation that began in the OT 2 testaments are not separate books, they are the complete gift of Gods Revelation to us
4 Gospels Word Gospel means good news Word Gospel means good news Gospels bring us the good news of our salvation Gospels bring us the good news of our salvation Accounts of Jesus life, death and Resurrection Accounts of Jesus life, death and Resurrection Written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Known as the evangelists Known as the evangelists First transmitted through the preaching of the Apostles First transmitted through the preaching of the Apostles
The 4 Gospels are apostolic and historical and faithfully teach the truths that Jesus handed on to His Apostles All protected and guided by the Holy Spirit
Each Gospel offers distinct portrait of Jesus and different emphasis on his message John and Matthew were eyewitnesses because they were Apostles; Mark and Luke record what Mary and the Apostles told them (they were not Apostles) John and Matthew were eyewitnesses because they were Apostles; Mark and Luke record what Mary and the Apostles told them (they were not Apostles) Each writer wrote for a different purpose and audience Each writer wrote for a different purpose and audience Each offers a part of the picture for a whole understanding of Jesus and his life Each offers a part of the picture for a whole understanding of Jesus and his life
Acts of the Apostles Authorship attributed to Luke; a continuation of his Gospel Authorship attributed to Luke; a continuation of his Gospel Luke wanted to show how the Holy Spirit was alive in the early Church after Jesus left earth Luke wanted to show how the Holy Spirit was alive in the early Church after Jesus left earth An orderly account of the spread of Christianity as Christ predicted An orderly account of the spread of Christianity as Christ predicted
Tells the story of the early Church and guidance of Holy Spirit Pentecost = coming of the Holy Spirit Pentecost = coming of the Holy Spirit Speaks of the conversion of 3,000 people on Pentecost Speaks of the conversion of 3,000 people on Pentecost Tells us of first Church Council at Jerusalem Tells us of first Church Council at Jerusalem Spread of Christianity to Judea, Samaria, Galilee, Cyprus and Antioch, Asia Minor, Egypt, North Africa, and ultimately Rome where Paul is taken as a prisoner Spread of Christianity to Judea, Samaria, Galilee, Cyprus and Antioch, Asia Minor, Egypt, North Africa, and ultimately Rome where Paul is taken as a prisoner Work of the Apostles caused this spread Work of the Apostles caused this spread Preaching of the Apostles about the messianic reality of Jesus, his fulfillment of the OT prophecies, and his Resurrection from the dead Preaching of the Apostles about the messianic reality of Jesus, his fulfillment of the OT prophecies, and his Resurrection from the dead
Epistles or letters 21 letters total 21 letters total Written by St. Peter, St. Paul, St. James, St. John and St. Jude Written by St. Peter, St. Paul, St. James, St. John and St. Jude Written to various Christian communities or individuals in the early church Written to various Christian communities or individuals in the early church Respond to wide variety of problems and needs Respond to wide variety of problems and needs Teach and encourage people of early Church Teach and encourage people of early Church Clarify doctrines or correct deviations from the truth Clarify doctrines or correct deviations from the truth Offer deep and profound reflection on Christian beliefs Offer deep and profound reflection on Christian beliefs
St. Paul is the best known and wrote 12 of the Epistles Persecuted people who converted to Christianity Persecuted people who converted to Christianity St. Paul had a great conversion – he met Christ and became one of the greatest preachers of Christianity St. Paul had a great conversion – he met Christ and became one of the greatest preachers of Christianity Made 3 missionary trips to preach Jesus to the gentiles Made 3 missionary trips to preach Jesus to the gentiles Imprisoned for preaching Christianity Imprisoned for preaching Christianity Beheaded in Rome around 67 Beheaded in Rome around 67
NT Letters Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Phillipians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2, and 3 John, Jude
Book of Revelation Last book of Bible Last book of Bible Author is John written around 95 AD Author is John written around 95 AD Apocalyptic writing = uncovers the future based on the inspiration of God Apocalyptic writing = uncovers the future based on the inspiration of God Addressed to people of all times and places Addressed to people of all times and places
Begins with the persecutions that the early Christians were suffering at the time and warns of future trouble to come Begins with the persecutions that the early Christians were suffering at the time and warns of future trouble to come St. John tells us that the Church is already victorious in Christ but the Church will be persecuted until the final victory over Satan is won at the end of time St. John tells us that the Church is already victorious in Christ but the Church will be persecuted until the final victory over Satan is won at the end of time Christians will suffer as Jesus did but we have hope that Jesus will come again in victory and we will share in that Christians will suffer as Jesus did but we have hope that Jesus will come again in victory and we will share in that
Contains a series of warnings projected into the future Contains a series of warnings projected into the future Warns about dangers to the Church from both inside and outside Warns about dangers to the Church from both inside and outside Sacrificed and risen Lamb leads the struggle between good and evil Sacrificed and risen Lamb leads the struggle between good and evil Meant to give hope and courage to Christians going through persecution Meant to give hope and courage to Christians going through persecution Have triumph if align selves with Jesus Christ Have triumph if align selves with Jesus Christ
Conclusion Jesus is the Messiah the fulfillment of the OT Jesus is the Messiah the fulfillment of the OT Jesus truths and teachings were gathered in the NT Jesus truths and teachings were gathered in the NT NT is testimony of the mighty works done by Jesus and his associates who followed the new way Jesus had set out for them NT is testimony of the mighty works done by Jesus and his associates who followed the new way Jesus had set out for them
Catholic Epistles Written for the whole Church not just a person or community Written for the whole Church not just a person or community Epistle of James Epistle of James Written by James = a bishop of Jerusalem Written by James = a bishop of Jerusalem 1 and 2 Peter – addressed to Christians of Asia Minor and call all to lead holier lives and warns against false teachings 1 and 2 Peter – addressed to Christians of Asia Minor and call all to lead holier lives and warns against false teachings 1 2 and 3 John written by John and similar to his Gospel 1 2 and 3 John written by John and similar to his Gospel Epistle of Jude wrote to Christian converts to warn against false teachers who subvert the faith Epistle of Jude wrote to Christian converts to warn against false teachers who subvert the faith