1)-Changing expectations of people- i) career growth ii) self respect iii) wanted to lead a different life style First challenge for managers is to understand the psychology and changing needs of their employees.
2)-Technology- Changes in the technology at the workplace. Technology should be upgraded timely.
` 3)- lack of skills in employees- Skill management is also one of the challenge which can be met by giving required trainings to the employees. These trainings would lead to the development of the employees.
4) Globalisation/ Cross cultural dynamics- - It is a process of economic integration at the international level. -Whole world converted into a global village. -demand of high quality product at low price. Foreign assignments- to manage a workforce with different languages, aspirations, attitudes, values and perceptions. Working in an MNC in India – your mgr can be from some other country.
5)Work force diversity- Working with people from different cultures in our own country. Bosses, peers and other employees may be from different cultures. What motivates u may not motivate them, u may be straight forward etc…u have to study them that how their culture have shaped them and how to adapt themselves to their differences.
Remedy – -Org.l researches on diversity mgmt. -Training and development on diversity management should be done.