Seventh and Eighth Grade Meet The Teacher Night August 27, 2008
Administrative Staff Principal-Mr. Jim Comegys Assistant Principal - Dr. Laura Troxell Guidance Staff 6th/ 7th Red Grade Altamese Burbage 7th Blue / 8th Grade Lisa Donaldson Secretaries Jen Adams and Nancy Lopez-Powell Interventionist Karen Burgess and Janice Johnson Educational Diagnostician-Wendy Johns School Psychologist-Maria Locuniak Nurses- Loretta Newsom and Kelly Garrity
Staff Introductions
Understanding the Building: Keeping the grades separate
Communication Phone Calls Meetings Website: Alert Now Home Access Center Voice Mail Email –Caution Conferences
Waters Procedures: Late Arrivals, early dismissals Parent Drop OFF/ Pick Up Absences Code of Conduct Changes Electronic Devices – lost or stolen items Code of conduct reviewed Photo ID’s Worn – picture day 9-4-08
Parking Lot:
Breakfast/Lunches/Food Lunch Prices Menus online Payments are online @ Options Healthy Food Busses
Related Arts Students are assigned a variety of Related Arts Courses based on student needs, availability, and desire to participate in courses such as band or chorus. During a trimester a student would have 3 related arts scheduled, but only attend 2 per day.
For example A student might have Art, Agriculture and Band. A-Day B-Day C-Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Art Band Agriculture
Dress Code: The school requires students to dress appropriately for school and extracurricular activities. The school does not permit clothing, shoes, or jewelry – or articles worn as such – that are distracting, hinder the educational process, are a safety issue, or are inappropriate. No Headwear of any type Outerwear is not permitted while in the building. Shorts and skirts are acceptable attire; however, the length must not be more than 3 inches above the knee.
Dress Code Shirts must have sleeves, must cover the waist, and will not be low cut or see-through. Footwear must be worn at all times. Flip flops, sandals, open-toed shoes, and bedroom slippers are not permitted Clothing must be worn as intended Pants must be worn properly and are to be pulled up and secured at the waist. Undergarments are not to be visible. Shirts must be worn as intended. Pajamas are not permitted Students may not wear lewd, suggestive, or excessively tight clothing, clothing with writing on the backside, spiked jewelry or long chains.
Nurses Nook:
Grading Home Access Center – Mid September Process versus Product
PBS School
PTA- President: Christy Payne Vice-President: Beth Krum-Scurato President: Christy Payne Vice-President: Beth Krum-Scurato Treasurer: Lisa Diduch Secretary: Laura West Membership: Karen Kolek
AGW Staff