Report of the “Friends of the Chair of the Statistical Commission” on an assessment of the statistical indicators derived from United Nations summit meetings The development of statistical indicators for human rights and good governance will not be easy and will take time. We recommend that the Commission establish a mechanism (perhaps a city group involving statisticians and others, including policy officials) to develop statistical indicators of human rights and good governance. Whatever is established needs to take account of existing initiatives in the field...
Report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress Stiglitz, Sen et al Recommendation 6: Quality of life depends on people’s objective conditions and capabilities. Steps should be taken to improve measures of people’s health, education, personal activities and environmental conditions. In particular, substantial effort should be devoted to developing and implementing robust, reliable measures of social connections, political voice, and insecurity that can be shown to predict life satisfaction. [M]easuring all these features requires both objective and subjective data. The challenge in all these fields is to improve upon what has already been achieved, to identify gaps in available information, and to invest in statistical capacity in areas...where available indicators remain deficient. Recommendation 10: Measures of both objective and subjective well-being provide key information about people’s quality of life. Statistical offices should incorporate questions to capture people’s life evaluations, hedonic experiences and priorities in their own survey. Despite the persistence of many unresolved issues,... subjective measures provide important information about quality of life. Because of this, the types of question that have proved their value within small-scale and unofficial surveys should be included in larger-scale surveys undertaken by official statistical offices.
From: SHaSA Strategy for Harmonisation of Statistics in Africa (AU, UNECA, AfDB)
Extract: Governance log-frame in SHaSA
From: Country Self-Assessment for the APRM Section 1: Democracy and Good Political Governance A cardinal part of the NEPAD declaration is an undertaking from the participating Heads of State and Government of the member states of the AU to work with renewed determination towards: The rule of law; The equality of all before the law and the liberty of the individual; Individual and collective freedoms, including the right to form and join political parties and trade unions in conformity with the Constitution; Equality of opportunity for all; The inalienable right of the individual to participate by means of free, credible and democratic political processes in periodically electing their leaders for a fixed term of office; Adherence to the doctrine of separation of powers including the protection of the independence of the judiciary and of effective parliaments
LEAN DEMOCRACY NEPAD declaration for AU states Rule of law Independence of judiciary Liberty of the individual Freedom of association Equality before the law Equality of opportunity Free and fair elections Political participation
COMPARATIVE DIAL RESULTS ON DEMOCRACY Add-on modules to NSO household surveys Sources : Enquêtes 1-2-3, module Démocratie, 2001/2003, Instituts Nationaux de la Statistique, AFRISTAT, DIAL authors calculations.
MONGOLIA MDG+9 ASPECTS Target 22: Fully respect and uphold the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ensure the freedom of media, and provide the public with free access to information 1. Human Development Index 2. Expert evaluation of conformity of Mongolian laws and regulations with international human rights treaties and conventions 3. Percentage of implementation/enforcement of judicial decisions 4. Number of attorneys that provide services to poor citizens 5. Public perception of political, economic, and financial independence of mass media 6. Number of state organizations that regularly place reports of their budgets and expenditures on their websites Target 23: Mainstream democratic principles and practices into life 1. Public perception of activities of state organizations 2. Number of civil society organizations that have officially participated and expressed their views in the process of developing and approving the state budget 3. Percentage of voters that have participated in nominating governors of soums and baghs Target 24: Develop a zero-tolerance environment to corruption in all spheres of society 1. Index of corruption 2. Perception of corruption in political organizations, judicial and law enforcement institutions 3. Public perception of corruption in public administration
LEAN DEMOCRACYBROAD DEMOCRACY NEPAD declaration for AU states Expanded democracy: DIAL, UNDP ‘s Mongolia, Indonesia Rule of law Independence of judiciary Liberty of the individual Freedom of expression Freedom of religion Freedom of movement Freedom of association Equality before the law Equality of opportunity Free and fair electionsFree and fair election Political participation Freedom of the media Gender equality
DEMOCRACY AND GOOD GOVERNANCE LEAN DEMOCRACYBROAD DEMOCRACY NEPAD declaration for AU states Expanded democracy: DIAL, UNDP ‘s Mongolia, Indonesia Additions for good governance: Mo Ibrahim Rule of law Compliance with international conventions Independence of judiciary Liberty of the individual Freedom of expression Freedom of religion Freedom of movement Personal safety Freedom of association Equality before the law Equality of opportunity Freedom from discrimination Free and fair election Political participation Civil society engagement Freedom of the media Gender equality Gender equality in parliament Gender equality in education Impartial bureaucracy Transparent and accountable institutions Experience of corruption, measures to address it
Sample extract from AfroBarometer questionnaire. Likewise DIAL.
DEMOCRACY AND GOOD GOVERNANCE INDICATORS LEAN DEMOCRACYBROAD DEMOCRACY NEPAD declaration for AU states Expanded democracy: DIAL, UNDP ‘s Mongolia, Indonesia Additions for good governance: Mo Ibrahim Rule of law Survey perception/factual questions : DIAL,Afrobarometer Administrative data, e.g. Mo Ibrahim Index sources Compliance with international conventions Independence of judiciary Liberty of the individual Freedom of expression Freedom of religion Freedom of movement Personal safety Freedom of association Equality before the law Equality of opportunity Freedom from discrimination Free and fair election Political participation Civil society engagement Freedom of the media Gender equality Gender equality in parliament Gender equality in education Impartial bureaucracy Transparent and accountable institutions Absence of corruption
Dr Mark Orkin Wits School of P&DM Merci Thank you