The Role of Education in the Pursuit of a Sustainable Future Charles Hopkins UNESCO and UNU Chairs, York University Presented by Pamela Schwartzberg Executive Director Learning for a Sustainable Future
What is Sustainable Development Global Change (environment) Globalization (economic) Human Development (social/culture) Sustainable Development Plus concepts of: intergenerational responsibility Need verses greed / equity Social justice, etc.
Many Questions Sustaining what? For whom?
“Education is a key and vital element in moving sustainability forward…” Report of the UN Sec. General Agenda 21(Rio) Millennium Goals Earth Charter UN Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) WSSD (Johannesburg)
The 4 Major Thrusts of ESD 1 Public awareness and understanding 2 Access to quality basic education 3 Reorienting existing education 4 Training programs for all sectors Agenda 21 -92, UNESCO-96, UNCSD -98, JPOI-2002
Sustainable Consumption Public awareness and understanding The Power of SD Remains Dormant Locked in Isolated Issues Clean Air AIDS Prevention Equity Climate Change Sustainable Development Peace Sustainable Consumption Poverty Eradication Bio-diversity Population Growth
Northern Issues Sustainable production and consumption 0.5 trillion in advertising 50% targeted at USA Working with “others” Developing global citizenship Redistribution of wealth and power Improving democracy
Many Paths to SD Good legislation/governance Economic incentives Overcoming corruption Environmental protection Human rights/security Infrastructure (roads to banking) 40 issues identified in Agenda 21
2. Facilitating Development Through Improving Quality Education 100 million children ages 6 to 11 never attend school in the developing countries 90% of school aged are in developing/emerging nations Millions more are “under- educated” in both the South and the North
Northern Problem As Well Hard to serve students suffer Preferred learning style other than reading Poverty related issues Irrelevant curricula Home/family related issues Student/school conflict
3. Reorienting formal education includes addressing Values Principles Perspectives Knowledge Skills Buildings Program Practices and Actions What we value and evaluate
Strengths Model: A Starting Point No single discipline/group/teacher can do it all Every discipline/group/teacher can contribute something Some can take lead roles in reorientation
UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005 to 2014 UN General Council Resolution Dec 2002 UNESCO is the lead UN Agency Mainly a coordinating role Integrate with other Decades and programs Mainly up to each country / state Organization / institution / private sector etc. 2 Key Websites