The Economist, 2008 The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. Milton Friedman Corporate social responsibility, once a do-gooding sideshow, is now seen as mainstream. But as yet too few companies are doing it well.
Why a White paper on CSR? Increase engagement and knowledge Formulate expectations towards Norwegian companies Clarify roles and responsibilities Highlight challenges and dilemmas in developing countries
What is CSR? Integrating social and environmental concerns in business operations Voluntary – beyond laws and regulations Human rights, decent work, environment and anti-corruption
Norwegian companies – among leading CSR actors in their sectors, but still face challenges 0 25% 100% 75% 50% Survey of Norwegian Companies 2007 (Synovate) Of CEOs asked to mention CSR guidelines, tools and standards, 78% do not know any… Other companies need to get started
Letter to the embassies and consulates general Get relevant information on the conditions in the country – a template is being developed Information and meetings Different roles in different countries
The role of the Foreign Service Focal point in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Meeting places – KOMPAKT Information and advice Photo: Gisle Nomme
Corruption – a challenge