Programming by Sketching Armando Solar-Lezama, Liviu Tancau, Gilad Arnold, Rastislav Bodik, Sanjit Seshia UC Berkeley, Rodric Rabbah MIT, Kemal Ebcioglu,


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Presentation transcript:

Programming by Sketching Armando Solar-Lezama, Liviu Tancau, Gilad Arnold, Rastislav Bodik, Sanjit Seshia UC Berkeley, Rodric Rabbah MIT, Kemal Ebcioglu, Vijay Saraswat, Vivek Sarkar IBM

2 int[] mergeSort (int[] input, int n) { return merge(mergeSort (input[0::n/2]), mergeSort (input[n/2+1::n]), n); } int[] merge (int[] a, int b[], int n) { int j=0, k=0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if ( a[j] < b[k] ) { result[i] = a[j++]; } else { result[i] = b[k++]; } return result; } Merge sort looks simple to code, but there is a bug

3 Merge sort int[] mergeSort (int[] input, int n) { return merge(mergeSort (input[0::n/2]), mergeSort (input[n/2+1::n]), n); } int[] merge (int[] a, int b[], int n) { int j, k; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if ( j<n && ( !(k<n) || a[j] < b[k]) ) { result[i] = a[j++]; } else { result[i] = b[k++]; } return result; }

4 The sketching experience sketch implementation (completed sketch) spec specification +

5 The spec: bubble sort int[] sort (int[] input, int n) { for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) for (int j=i+1; j<n; ++j) if (input[j] < input[i]) swap(input, j, i); }

6 int[] mergeSort (int[] input, int n) { return merge(mergeSort (input[0::n/2]), mergeSort (input[n/2+1::n]), n); } int[] merge (int[] a, int b[], int n) { int j, k; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if ( expression( ||, &&, <, !, [] ) ) { result[i] = a[j++]; } else { result[i] = b[k++]; } return result; } Merge sort: sketched hole

7 Merge sort: synthesized int[] mergeSort (int[] input, int n) { return merge(mergeSort (input[0::n/2]), mergeSort (input[n/2::n]) ); } int[] merge (int[] a, int b[], int n) { int j, k; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if ( j<n && ( !(k<n) || a[j] < b[k]) ) { result[i] = a[j++]; } else { result[i] = b[k++]; } return result; }

8 Sketching: spec vs. sketch Specification –executable: easy to debug, serves as a prototype –a reference implementation: simple and sequential –written by domain experts: crypto, bio, MPEG committee Sketched implementation –program with holes: filled in by synthesizer –programmer sketches strategy: machine provides details –written by performance experts: vector wizard; cache guru

9 How sketching fits into autotuning Autotuning: two methods for obtaining code variants 1.optimizing compiler: transform a “spec” in various ways 2.custom generator: for a specific algorithm We seek to simplify the second approach Scenario 1: library of variants stores resolved sketches –as if written by hand Scenario 2: library has unresolved, flexible sketches –sketch works for a variety of specifications: e.g., a class of stencils

10 S KETCH A language with support for sketching-based synthesis –like C without pointers –two simple synthesis constructs restricted to finite programs: –input size known at compile time, terminates on all inputs most high-performance kernels are finite: –matrix multiply: yes –binary search tree: no we’re already working on relaxing the fineteness restriction –later in this talk

11 Ex1: Isolate rightmost 0-bit  bit[W] isolate0 (bit[W] x) { // W: word size bit[W] ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < W; i++) if (!x[i]) { ret[i] = 1; break; } return ret; } bit[W] isolate0Fast (bit[W] x) implements isolate0 { return ~x & (x+1); } bit[W] isolate0Sketched (bit[W] x) implements isolate0 { return ~(x + ??) & (x + ??); }

12 Programmer’s view of sketches the ?? operator replaced with a suitable constant as directed by the implements clause. the ?? operator introduces non-determinism the implements clause constrains it.

13 Meaning of sketches programs with ?? have many meanings ~(x + ??) & (x + ??); means: ~(x + 0) & (x + 1); ~(x - 1) & (x + 0); … “counted loops” are unrolled: x = ??; loop (x) { y = y + ??; } means: x = 2; y = y + 4; y = y + 0; x = 3; y = y + 2; y = y + 4; y = y + 17; … f implements g: –synthesizer “selects” the meaning of f that is functionally equivalent to g

14 Beyond synthesis of literals Synthesizing values of ?? already very useful –parallelization machinery: bitmasks, tables in crypto codes –array indices: A[i+??,j+??] We can synthesize more than constants –semi-permutations: functions that select and shuffle bits –polynomials: over one or more variables –actually, arbitrary expressions, programs

15 Example 3: IP from DES. 32 bits bit[64] IPsketched (bit[64] x) implements IP { bit[64] result; bit[32] table[8][16] = ??; x = (x>>??) {|} (x<<??) {|} x; for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) { result[0:31] |= table[i][x[i*4::4]]; result[32:63]|= table[i][x[32+i*4::4]]; } return result; } table[i][permutation(x)];

16 Template for an arbitrary permutation bit[N] permutation(bit[N] x) { bit[N] result; int i=0; loop (??) { result ^= x>>i & ??; result ^= x<<i & ??; ++i; } return result; }

17 Synthesizing polynomials int spec (int x) { return 2*x*x*x*x + 3*x*x*x + 7*x*x + 10; } int p (int x) implements spec { return (x+1)*(x+2)*poly(3,x); } int poly(int n, int x) { if (n==0) return ??; else return x * poly(n-1, x) + ??; }

18 Karatsuba’s multiplication x = x1*b + x0 y = y1*b + y0b=2 k x*y = b 2 *x1*y1 + b*(x1*y0 + x0*y1) + x0*y0 x*y =poly(??,b) * x 1 *y 1 + +poly(??,b) * poly(1,x 1,x 0,y 1,y 0 )*poly(1,x 1, x 0, y 1, y 0 ) +poly(??,b) * x 0 *y 0 x*y = (b 2 +b) * x 1 *y 1 + b * (x 1 - x 0 )*(y 1 - y 0 ) + (b+1) * x 0 *y 0

19 Sketch of Karatsuba bit[N*2] k (bit[N] x, bit[N] y) implements mult { if (N<=1) return x*y; bit[N/2] x1 = x[0:N/2-1]; bit[N/2+1] x2 = x[N/2:N-1]; bit[N/2] y1 = y[0:N/2-1]; bit[N/2+1] y2 = y[N/2:N-1]; bit[2*N] t11 = x1 * y1; bit[2*N] t12 = poly(1, x1, x2, y1, y2) * poly(1, x1, x2, y1, y2); bit[2*N] t22 = x2 * y2; return multPolySparse (2, N/2, t11) // log b = N/2 + multPolySparse (2, N/2, t12) + multPolySparse (2, N/2, t22); } bit[2*N] poly (int n, bit[N] x0, x1, x2, x3) { if (n<=0) return ??; else return (??*x0 + ??*x1 + ??*x2 + ??*x3) * poly (n-1, x0, x1, x2, x3); } bit[2*N] multPolySparse (int n, int x, bit[N] y) { if (n<=0) return 0; else return y (n-1, x, y); }

20 Semantic view of sketches a sketch represents a set of functions: –the ?? operator modeled as reading from an oracle int f (int y) { int f (int y, bit[][K] oracle) { x = ??;x = oracle[0]; loop (x) {loop (x) { y = y + ??; y = y + oracle[1];} return y;return y; } Synthesizer must find oracle satisfying f implements g

21 Synthesis algorithm: overview 1.translation: represent spec and sketch as circuits 2.synthesis: find suitable oracle 3.code generation: specialize sketch wrt oracle

22 Ex : Population count  3 int pop (bit[W] x) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < W; i++) { if (x[i]) count++; } return count; } xcount 0000 one mux count + mux + count + mux F(x) =

23 Synthesis as generalized SAT The sketch synthesis problem is an instance of 2QBF:  o.  x. P(x) = S(x,o) Counter-example driven solver: I = {} x = random() do I = I U {x} c = synthesizeForSomeInputs(I) if c = nil then exit(“buggy sketch'') x = verifyForAllInputs(c) // x: counter-example while x != nil return c S(x 1, c)=P(x 1 )  …  S(x k, c)=P(x k ) I ={ x 1, x 2, …, x k } S(x, c)  P(x)

24 Case study Implemented AES –the modern block-cipher standard –14 rounds: each has table lookup, permutation, GF- multiply –a good implementation collapses each round into table lookups Our results –we synthesized 32Kbit oracle! –synthesis time: about 1 hour –counterexample-driven synthesizer iterated 655 times –performance of synthesized code within 10% of hand- tuned

25 Finite programs In theory, SKETCH is complete for all finite programs: –specification can specify any finite program –sketch can describe any implementation over given instructions –synthesizer can resolve any sketch In practice, SKETCH scales for small finite programs –small finite programs: block ciphers, small kernels –large finite: big-integer multiplication, matrix multiplication Solution: –synthesize for a small input size –prove (or examine) that result of synthesis works for bigger inputs

26 Stencil computations: an example grid sten(grid in, real a, real b) for (i,j) in [(1,1), (n-2,n-2)] out i,j = a*in i-1,j + b*in i,j-1 + b*in i+1,j + a*in i,j+1 return out;

27 An implementation idea Expression b*in i+1,j + a*in i,j+1 can be reused grid sten(grid in, real a, real b) for i in [??,n-??] for j in [??,n-??] t = a*in i+??,j+?? + b*in i+??, j+?? ; out i+??, j+?? += t ; out i+??, j+?? = t ; return out grid sten(grid in, real a, real b) for i in [??,n-??] for j in [??,n-??] t = a*in i+??,j+?? + b*in i+??, j+?? ; if (expression(i,j,n)) out i+??, j+?? += t ; if (expression(i,j,n)) out i+??, j+?? = t ; return out

28 Lossless abstraction Problem –does result of synthesis for a small matrix work for all matrices? Approach –spec, sketch have unbounded-input/output –abstract them into finite functions, with the same abstraction –synthesize –obtained oracle works for original sketch Stencil kernels –concrete: matrix A[N]  matrix B[N] –abstract:A[e(i)], i, N  B[i]

29 Example: divide and conquer parallelization Parallel algorithm: –Data rearrangement + parallel computation spec: –sequential version of the program sketch: –parallel computation automatically synthesized: –Rearranging the data (dividing the data structure)