Strategy for Development Cooperation with Moldova
Overall objective ”Moldova is well integrated with the EU, including the values of the union” long-term perspective
3 sectors Democracy, Human Rights and Gender Equality Sustainable Infrastructure – focus on energy efficiency Market Development
2 Dialouge issues EU integration Anti-corruption
. Total amount for the four years ≈ EUR 50 million (approx MEUR per year)
Principles, I Complementary to the EU support, including CIB Apply the two perspectives: the rights based approach and the perspectives of the poor Reduce the total number of contributions (from ≈ 30 to ≈ 20)
Principles, II Half of the support should have a Programme Based Approach Continued donor coordination, especially with the EU Delegation Enhanced efforts to involve Transnistria in the development cooperation Increased collaboration with Swedish actors and with recent Member states
Support to Democracy, Human Rights and Gender Equality Examples : - National Dev. Strategy /CPAR - Decentralization /JILDP - Regional development - Women in Business/BAS - Civil society organistions: HR/DEMO - A general gender training programme, complementary to CIB (central and local administr)
Support to Sustainable Infrastructure – focus on energy efficiency Examples: -Establishment of an Energy Efficiency Agency -SME involvment in energy efficiency -Capacity support to the energy regulator ANRE
Support to Market Development Examples: - Tax reform - Trade statistics - Improving business climate - Capacity strengthening related to DCFTA negotiations - SME competivtiveness
Human resources Public central and local administration Which level of staffing is reasonable for a country of the size of Moldova? What competencies and staffing would be needed in a 10 years perspective? How to achieve this?
Thank you! Tack så mycket! Mulţumesc!