About PILnet’ s pro bono experience in promoting public interest lawyering worldwide „ Teaching Legal Ethics in the 21st Century Professional Ethics Courses in Russia, Hungary and in other countries ”
PILnet – The Global Network for Public Interest Law as an international human rights NGO collaborates with its Russian, Hungarian and Brazilian partners Purpose of the Course to bring closer law students to major law firms and Human Rights organizations in order to raise law students’ awareness on future professional ethical challenges.
PILnet’s Professional Ethics Seminars (market-leading law firms and comrporations, interactive sessions, practice-oriented teaching methodology) Moscow Budapest Sao Paolo Supervision of Law Students in Law Clinics (law students under lawyers’ supervision provide legal advice to clients) Where high level professional experience meets with students’ ethusiasm to help Implementing new ideas Course book, preparing manuals, guidelines for NGOs or disadvantaged groups Human Rights Workshops, Trainings for lawyers, school children or to NGO managers, activists and /or employees Internship projects like the „Pro bono Junior „ in Brazil How do pro bono law firms collaborate with law clinics?
Moscow, Russia ‘Professional Responsibility and Ethics in the Global Legal Market’, Moscow State University -Support of attorneys from DLA Piper, White & Case, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP -Suport of global companies Verizon and Microsoft, who also gave lectures and carried out case study trainings during the course. -Representatives from Columbia Law School, and the Federal Prosecutor of US Attorney’s Office
Sao Paoplo, Brazil Pro Bono Advocacy in Brazil and in the World: Practices, Initiatives and Perspectives The main goal of this intense course is to seek a better understanding of what is pro bono, why do pro bono and, especially, how to do pro bono. This is an opportunity to gather undergraduates, graduates with relevant players - NGOs, companies, Public Defender, OAB, among others – and to contribute to the debate on access to justice and legal practice in Brazil.
In April 2015 at the Eotvos Lorand University, in fact the course organizers included members of the university’s law faculty. -There were the representatives of leading Hungarian law firms in attendance, -The NGO community was represented by Transparency International Hungary and Hungarian Civil Liberties Union. -Representatives of the Budapest Bar Association on professional ethnic standards and disciplinary proceedings. Budapest, Hungary The Legal Profession in an International Legal Environment’.
Budapest, Hungary „The Legal Profession in an International Legal Environment” PURPOSE -Legal professional ethics are not widely taught at university level. -To help instill a commitment to ethics in the next generation of young lawyers, the course offers an intense course on legal professional ethics. -PILnet brings together future lawyers and senior practicing professionals, who are eager to share their experiences, and provides young people with relevant knowledge and skills. TEACHING METHODS From presentations and panel discussions to interactive exercises and role plays. TOPICS Regulation of the legal profession, Conflicts of interest, Anti-corruption, Corporate responsibility and pro bono
Learn More about Legal Clinics in Europe
More information: ; See you in Rome at the 9th European Pro Bono Forum!