The Middle Ages (449 – 1485) Key concepts Millennium p. 13
Romans leave Britain in A D 410 Germanic tribes invade Britain AD 449 – introduction of Germanic languages, sagas and myths Strong Celtic element in medieval Britain Legend of King Arthur Strong influence of Christianity on cultural life Churches and monasteries become important cultural centres for the preservation of books, architecture, sculpture, painting. Norman invasion in consequences: 1.introduction of Feudal system; 2.French language and culture exert a great influence on English culture. Magna Carta granted in 1215 by King John Lackland Monarch’s power is limited: first formal document stating that the monarch was as much under the rule of law as his people
Medieval poetry - anonymous ; Impossible to date it precisely. Important poetical genre - the ballad. 1.use of a simple metrical pattern – the quatrain – consisting of four lines in each stanza; 2.language used: simple and archaic; 3.composed and sung by common people for common people. Didactic and moral function of poetry Narrative poem, like Chaucer’s “Canterbury tales”, – particularly suited for this purpose. Drama – most popular form of art connected with the development of the middle class and the creation of religious and trade guilds* * guild = an organization of people who do the same job or have the same interests.