Chapter 9 Section 1 Origins of Progressivism
A.) Define progressivism- *1890 – 1920 was the era of Progressivism * Progressives wanted to make government more responsive to the people. They wanted to restore economic opportunities and correct injustice.. B.) Goals of progressivism A.) protecting social welfare, reformers aimed to help the poor through community centers, churches, and social services B.) promoting moral improvement, reformers wanted immigrants and poor to uplift themselves by improving their personal behavior C.) creating economic reform, after the Panic of 1893 Americans questioned the capitalistic economic system and the rise of socialism D.) fostering efficiency, reformers wanted to improve industry, society and government using scientific principles Poverty at the turn of the century.
1. Social Welfare Reform Movement, Groups and Successes - Groups such as the YMCA and the Salvation Army organized to address the needs of the poor. Social Gospel and settlement houses helped the poor through community centers, churches and social services. Florence Kelley worked to improve the lives of women and protection of children. Kelley helped pass the Illinois Factory Act in 1893. It prohibited child labor and limited women’s working hours. This act set the example for other states.
2. Moral Reform Movement, Groups and Successes Prohibition groups like the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union headed by Frances Willard and Anti –Saloon League worked to stop the sale of alcohol. They feared that alcohol was undermining American morals. These groups opposed alcohol based on their religious convictions. They also believed that alcohol led to violence, abuse and job loss. Despite opposition, many town adopted prohibition as well as some state governments.
3. Economic Reform Movement, Groups and Successes- Eugene V. Debs helped organized the American Socialist Party in 1901. Define Socialism- System in which the means of production & distribution of goods are owned and controlled by the government. Define Capitalism- An economic system in which the means of production and distribution is privately controlled.
Muckrakers were crusading journalists that investigated social problems and published stories. Ida M. Tarbell published a story of Standard Oil’s ruthless practice of eliminating competition at any cost. These groups brought attention and demanded change
4 Movement for industrial efficiency, Groups and Successes Frederick Winslow Taylor worked for efficiency by breaking down tasks in manufacturing. He used motion studies or scientific management reforms to create more efficiency in factories. Henry Ford used the assembly line to increase production in the Ford Motor Company. He reduce the workday to 8 hours and paid workers $5 a day. Workers were offered classes and better pay which created loyalty, reducing labor unrest.
5. Movement to protect workers –Groups and Successes The 1904 National Child Labor Committee gathered evidence to support protection of children. The Keating Owen Act prohibited the transportation across state line of goods produce with child labor. Eventually legislation banned child labor. Louis Brandeis, Florence Kelley, and Josephine Goldmark worked the 1908 case of Muller v. Oregon. This case limited women to a ten hour workday. The 1917 Bunting v. Oregon case the court upheld a ten hour workday for men. Progressives also accomplished workmen’s compensation and death benefits for laborers.
6. Movement to reform local government, groups and successes Mayors such as Hazen Pingree of Detroit and Tom Johnson of Cleveland introduced progressive reforms. They worked to eliminate corruption, create fair taxes, public transportation and relief for the unemployed.
7. State reform of Big Business, Groups and Successes Robert M. La Follette of Wisconsin led the way in regulating big business. The railroads was the first industry to be targeted. A commission was established to regulate rates, create fair taxes and forbid corruption. Other states followed Wisconsin’s example.
8. Movement for election reform, groups and successes- William S. U’Ren promoted progressive reforms in Oregon, other states followed with additional changes to give the people more power. Define a initiative – Define a referendum – Define a recall – The 17th amendment was ratified in 1913, creating the direct election of senators in all states. This amendment expanded democracy by allowing people to have a greater say in choosing their representatives.