Exam Review: Exam Review: Anglo Saxon & Middle Ages
England – Early Times From England’s Prehistoric Past,… name the well known, ancient, mystical stone circle found near Salisbury. From England’s Prehistoric Past,… name the well known, ancient, mystical stone circle found near Salisbury. Stonehenge Stonehenge Which culture inhabits Britain from about 2,000 till the coming of the Romans? Which culture inhabits Britain from about 2,000 till the coming of the Romans? The Celts The Celts
Name the Celtic Tribes in the British Isles, …first those in Ireland Name the Celtic Tribes in the British Isles, …first those in Ireland Gaels Gaels Two Celtic Tribes of Scotland: Two Celtic Tribes of Scotland: Scots and Picts Scots and Picts Which Celts are the inhabitants of what today is England? Which Celts are the inhabitants of what today is England? Bretons Bretons
Celts today… Gaels Picts Scots Welsh Bretons
Language spoken by the Celts? Language spoken by the Celts? Celtic, of course Celtic, of course First Westerner to visit the Celtic Bretons in 55 BC. He leads his army from Gaul. First Westerner to visit the Celtic Bretons in 55 BC. He leads his army from Gaul. Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Who conquers the Celts in 44 AD and will occupy the Island for a 4 centuries? Who conquers the Celts in 44 AD and will occupy the Island for a 4 centuries? Romans Romans
Roman Occupation of Britain How long will the Romans stay in Britain? How long will the Romans stay in Britain? 400 years. 400 years. What advantages does Rome provide? What advantages does Rome provide? Protection, a money economy, great trade with its entire empire, engineering skills, political advances, and many others. Protection, a money economy, great trade with its entire empire, engineering skills, political advances, and many others.
Roman Occupation of Britain 44 AD through 449 AD
What Roman Emperor walls off the Northern Celts? What Roman Emperor walls off the Northern Celts? Hadrian Hadrian What language do the Romans speak? What language do the Romans speak? Latin Latin Why do the Romans desert Britain? Why do the Romans desert Britain? Rome itself is threatened Rome itself is threatened
Anglo Saxon England When do the first Germanic tribes come to the British Isles? When do the first Germanic tribes come to the British Isles? 449 AD 449 AD Name the 3 Germanic tribes who come to England? Name the 3 Germanic tribes who come to England? Angles, Saxons, and Jutes Angles, Saxons, and Jutes A silly Question, but what language do these Germanic tribes speak? A silly Question, but what language do these Germanic tribes speak? Germanic, but an older version…in England, this German becomes known as Old English. Germanic, but an older version…in England, this German becomes known as Old English.
Where do most of the Celts migrate to avoid the advancing Anglo-Saxons? Where do most of the Celts migrate to avoid the advancing Anglo-Saxons? Wales and Cornwall in England, Brittany in France. Wales and Cornwall in England, Brittany in France. Name the Christian Celtic leader who attempts to fight off the pagan Germans. Name the Christian Celtic leader who attempts to fight off the pagan Germans. Arthur Arthur Kiera Knightly as Guinevere, Kiera Knightly as Guinevere, in this version a Pict. in this version a Pict.
Name for the wandering storyteller of the Anglo- Saxon folk. Name for the wandering storyteller of the Anglo- Saxon folk. Scop…sometime called a gleeman, bard, or minstrel Scop…sometime called a gleeman, bard, or minstrel What was the favored alcoholic beverage of the Anglo-Saxons? What was the favored alcoholic beverage of the Anglo-Saxons? Mead Mead Where would you expect to hear a singing scop? Where would you expect to hear a singing scop? The Mead Hall The Mead Hall
Mead Hall
“True is the tale I tell of my Travels” shows what poetic device? “True is the tale I tell of my Travels” shows what poetic device? Alliteration Alliteration This line opens a famous fragment of the oldest poem composed in England...name it. This line opens a famous fragment of the oldest poem composed in England...name it. The Seafarer The Seafarer Besides Alliteration, name another common characteristic of AS style Poetry. Besides Alliteration, name another common characteristic of AS style Poetry. Meter, with 4 heavy beats per line. Meter, with 4 heavy beats per line. Trivia: That Pause between 2 and 3? Trivia: That Pause between 2 and 3? Caesura Caesura
Most famous work of AS Literature? Most famous work of AS Literature? Beowulf Beowulf Genre of Beowulf? Genre of Beowulf? Epic Epic Beowulf, a Prince of the Geats goes to the aid of this Danish King? Beowulf, a Prince of the Geats goes to the aid of this Danish King? Hrothgar Hrothgar
Who is terrorizing King Hrothgar? Who is terrorizing King Hrothgar? The monster, Grendel. The monster, Grendel. Can you name Hrothgar’s Mead Hall? Can you name Hrothgar’s Mead Hall? Heorot Heorot In the next episode of Beowulf, after ripping off Grendel’s arm, who does Beowulf fight? In the next episode of Beowulf, after ripping off Grendel’s arm, who does Beowulf fight? Grendel’s Hag of a Mother. Grendel’s Hag of a Mother.
As an old King, who is Beowulf’s last battle against? As an old King, who is Beowulf’s last battle against? A dragon A dragon Name the brilliant monk who wrote the Church History of Briton. Name the brilliant monk who wrote the Church History of Briton. Bede Bede What descriptive term is almost always used as an epithet to Bede? What descriptive term is almost always used as an epithet to Bede? Venerable Venerable
Bede, as an orphaned youth up in Northumbria would have spoken what language? Bede, as an orphaned youth up in Northumbria would have spoken what language? Old English/ Germanic Old English/ Germanic As a monk, Bede composed his works in what language? As a monk, Bede composed his works in what language? Latin Latin Including his Latin and Old English, how many language did Bede master? Including his Latin and Old English, how many language did Bede master? At least 5. At least 5.
Name the region of England that Vikings control from in the 9 th century. Name the region of England that Vikings control from in the 9 th century. The Danelaw The Danelaw Name the AS King who repels the Viking invaders? Name the AS King who repels the Viking invaders? Alfred, the Great Alfred, the Great What work of literature/history is attributed to King Alfred the Great and his scholars? What work of literature/history is attributed to King Alfred the Great and his scholars? The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles
Danelaw Alfred the Great
1066 Who takes a vow of chastity and does not produce an heir for his throne? Who takes a vow of chastity and does not produce an heir for his throne? Edward the Confessor Edward the Confessor Who is the Saxon who takes the throne upon the death of Edward? Who is the Saxon who takes the throne upon the death of Edward? Harold ( know his last name?) Harold ( know his last name?) Godwinson Godwinson Who fights Harold for the throne? Who fights Harold for the throne? William the Conqueror William the Conqueror
Where does the Battle take place in 1066 in which William defeats Harold? Where does the Battle take place in 1066 in which William defeats Harold? Hastings Hastings What is Harold’s death wound? What is Harold’s death wound? An arrow through the eye An arrow through the eye What cultural group fights for William? What cultural group fights for William? Normans Normans What language do the Normans speak? What language do the Normans speak? French French
ENOUGH! Scholars of the Anglo-Saxon Period, you should stop here. Scholars of the Anglo-Saxon Period, you should stop here. Beyond this is Medieval Literature to be covered after the New Year dawns. Beyond this is Medieval Literature to be covered after the New Year dawns. If you wish, re-do up to this point. If you wish, re-do up to this point.
The Middle Ages in England. What two languages will blend between 1066 and 1400 to bring us a recognizable Middle English? What two languages will blend between 1066 and 1400 to bring us a recognizable Middle English? Old English (German) & French Old English (German) & French Name the genre/form of literature where short rhyming poems are put to music. They tell stories. Name the genre/form of literature where short rhyming poems are put to music. They tell stories. Ballad Ballad
In a popular ballad… Who follows the King’s orders and drowns at sea. In a popular ballad… Who follows the King’s orders and drowns at sea. Sir Patrick Spens Sir Patrick Spens In a popular ballad… she rejects Sir John Graham who dies of a broken heart. She too then dies. In a popular ballad… she rejects Sir John Graham who dies of a broken heart. She too then dies. Bonnie Barbara Allen Bonnie Barbara Allen
Who has to “get up and bar the door?” Who has to “get up and bar the door?” The Goodman The Goodman How many ghostly visitors come to the Wife at Usher’s Well? How many ghostly visitors come to the Wife at Usher’s Well? Three Three Name the popular pilgrimage site in Southeastern England. Name the popular pilgrimage site in Southeastern England. Canterbury Canterbury
Who was martyred at Canterbury in 1174 by Henry’s knights? Who was martyred at Canterbury in 1174 by Henry’s knights? Thomas A’Beckett Thomas A’Beckett Who is the author of The Canterbury Tales, in which pilgrims tell tales? Who is the author of The Canterbury Tales, in which pilgrims tell tales? Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer What language does Chaucer use? What language does Chaucer use? Middle English Middle English
Who pens “Le Morte D’Arthur? Who pens “Le Morte D’Arthur? Sir Thomas Mallory Sir Thomas Mallory Name someone defeated in battle by The Knight of the Fountain. Name someone defeated in battle by The Knight of the Fountain. Grifflet, Arthur. Grifflet, Arthur. Who tells Arthur the scabbard is more valuable than the sword Excalibur?” Who tells Arthur the scabbard is more valuable than the sword Excalibur?” Merlin Merlin
First printer in England. First printer in England. William Caxton William Caxton
Holy Wars against Muslims. Holy Wars against Muslims. Crusades Crusades Long, long war between England and France? Long, long war between England and France? 100 Years War. 100 Years War.
English king who is victorious at Agincourt in the 100 years war. English king who is victorious at Agincourt in the 100 years war. Henry V Henry V French girl who was a heroine in the 100 years war. French girl who was a heroine in the 100 years war. Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Another name for the 30 years civil war which ends at Bosworth Field. Another name for the 30 years civil war which ends at Bosworth Field. War of the Roses War of the Roses
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