NEW RULES ARE OFFICIAL!! Effective March 19,
Design Criteria and Technical Specifications Rule.35 thru.46 These Rules include the design and technical requirements of the conventional and non- proprietary systems. Proprietary system requirements are in Product Permits that are authorized by the Rules. The proprietary systems were not put into the Rules because it would require a Rule change anytime a new system/technology or anytime there was a change to any previously permitted technology. 59
(1) Engineer Design Required page 45 (a) System > 1,200 gpd (b) System with “high strength” sewage - strength higher than that in a typical dwelling see: sewage & sewage (high-strength) pg 10 - typically kitchen waste from establishments - not necessarily advanced treatment 58
Definitions page 10 (iiii) Sewage -- waterborne or non-waterborne waste of similar composition and strength as may be found in the typical residence (dwelling). The EPA Onsite Wastewater Treatment Manual defines typical residential wastewater component median concentrations as BOD mg/l, Total Suspended Solids mg/l, Ammonia - 10 mg/l and Total Phosphorus - 9 mg/l. (jjjj) Sewage (High-strength) -- waterborne or non- waterborne waste from establishments that are of similar composition but of higher strength than would be found in a typical dwelling. This may be permitted at the discretion of the Board. Historically this has been kitchen waste from establishments. 57
(1) Engineer Design Required page 45 continued (c) Site characteristics prohibit a conventional system (except shallow placement) (d) The lot is smaller than minimums in.09 * <15,000 sq. ft. with public water * < 40,000 sq. ft. with other than public water (but not less than 20,000 sq. ft.) * 1 acre for high shrink-swell soils or (1/2 acre for non- contiguous satellite lots) (e) Sites that require a mound (f) Sites that require Modification or Fill 56
(1) Engineer Design Required page 45 continued (g) The REDF is to be smaller than the primary EDF or the EDF includes a driveway or parking area (g) A holding tank is required (h) An OSS using complex pumping systems *other than pumping from the pump chamber to a non- pressurized EDF (j) Sites with percs >120 min/in 55
Design Flow & Wastewater Concentrations page 45 (1) Dwellings – Use Table 1 to calculate Design Flow volume & sewage concentration (2) Establishments – (a) Use Table 1 (b) Generally accepted engineering design criteria (c) Derived from actual water use in comparable developments *Actual BOD TSS data must be submitted 54
Design Flow & Wastewater Concentrations Table 1 54 Appendix A Table 1 Flow and Organic Loading Generator Design Unit Design BOD/TSSDesign Flow lbs/day gpd DWELLINGS (Rule) 2/ Dwelling (8 bedrooms or fewer) per bedroom 0.4 (min) 150 (300 min) 9 or more bedrooms to a single system per person 0.2 (min) 75 (min) ESTABLISHMENTS (guidelines) 3/ Airports (not including food service) (not including food service) per passenger Airport per employee Officeper employee Marinas with bathhouse or showers or toilets per boat slip Motels no cooking facility per bedroom cooking facilityper bedroom Movie Theater (no food preparation) per seat Restaurants per seat Restaurants Interstate or through highway per seat Interstate rest areas per person Service stationper vehicle serviced
OSS Area Requirements page (1) The OSS area including the EDF and REDF shall be protected (a) OSS shall not be installed in Texture Group III(3), IVa(4a),IVb(4b) or IVc(4c) soils *under wet weather conditions (b) Prohibit vehicular traffic especially when wet (c) Use excavating equipment with care, prevent side- wall smearing (d) Remove hydrophytic vegetation within 10 feet of EDF (e) Grade the site following the SPP 31
OSS Area Requirements page (f)Grading requirements for sites not requiring a SPP (1) Alteration may cause site rating to be changed (2) Final grading shall divert surface water – prepare for landscaping (3) Mounds and control fill shall follow PE design (g) Drainage requirements for an OSS 1. EDF not located in depressed area – minimize surface 2. Divert drains, gutters, etc 3. Properly locate and discharge French Drains 4. Only receives discharge from building sewer 30
OSS Area Requirements page 50 (h) Protection of an OSS shall be accomplished 1. No structure shall be placed over a system component without access provided. 2. Lawn sprinkler systems must use backflow preventions with line 12” above EDF pipe. 3. PE design under playgrounds and athletic fields 4. No location of EDF under driveway (paved or unpaved). PE may design REDF acceptable to LHD. 5. PE may design drives or parking areas over other system components - with load protection and access. 29
OSS Area Requirements page 50 (h) Protection of an OSS shall be accomplished continued 6. Piping of effluent under traffic area must comply with plumbing code. 7. No action shall be taken under this Rule until a complete construction plan, with supporting documentation has been submitted to the LHD and approved. 28
Gravel Field Standard Construction Specification page 50 (1) Minimum standard for rigid pipe is Schedule 40 PVC (2) Level header and serial distribution type systems *distribution box may be used *is required instead of serial distribution in fill on sloping sites 27
Gravel Field Standard Construction Specification page 51 (a) Level header system – trench bottoms level within tolerance *distribution box may be used *vent tee (no sanitary tee) laid level 1.Invert of header and least 4” below invert of tank outlet 2.Header line shall be level 3.Non-perforated header can not be counted as EDF 26
AOWA:Basic Installer Course15 Level Header System
AOWA:Basic Installer Course16 Level Header - Other
AOWA:Basic Installer Course17 Level Header System
AOWA:Basic Installer Course18 All Lines Level – Both Planes
AOWA:Basic Installer Course19 Level Header Detail Invert of Header shall be at least 4” Below invert of septic tank outlet invert of septic tank outlet
Gravel Field Standard Construction Specification page 51 (a) Serial distribution following contours may be used 1. Effluent enters by vent tee laid horizontally 2. EDF pipes connected by solid cross-over line *designed so trench is filled to full design depth *lines equally dosed *receiving lines shall be of equal size & square ft. 25
Gravel Field Standard Construction Specification page 51 (a)Serial distribution continued 3. Invert of uppermost EDF pipe shall be 8” lower than invert of septic tank outlet and invert of cross-over at least 4” lower than invert of septic tank outlet. Inverts of all crossovers from an EDF trench at equal elevation. 4. Cross over dug no deeper than top of aggregate or top of EDF product in preceding trench with undisturbed block of earth remaining in place for full depth of aggregate/product. Successive crossovers separated as far as possible. 24
Appendix B Figure 2 & 3 pages
Appendix B Figure 4 page
24 Serial Distribution
AOWA:Basic Installer Course25 Serial Distribution System Slope
26 Invert of Uppermost Line MUST BE AT LEAST 8 ” LOWER THAN THE INVERT OF THE TANK OUTLET 8” Undisturbed Earth
Gravel Field Standard Construction Specification page 51 (a)Serial distribution continued 5. Maximum length of EDF 100’ from crossover (i) One crossover for EDF < = 100’ (ii) Two crossovers minimum for EDF >100” (iii) Crossovers distributed to minimize short-circuiting 21
Gravel Field Standard Construction Specification page 52 (3) Distributions boxes can be used (a) in lieu of a header (b) to evenly distribute effluent to more than one field (c) in lieu of serial distribution (d) Shall be set on level grade. Non-perforated rigid pipe shall exit the D-box for 5’ on level or equal grade. (e) distribution box shall be used in lieu of cross-over lines and serial distribution in fill 20
Appendix B - Figure 6 page
Gravel Field Standard Construction Specification page 52 (4) EDF trenches shall meet the following (a) Bottom width 18” – 36” LHD can approve other widths in special circumstances. (b) Minimum distance between sidewalls 5’ measured horizontally. On slopes >25% see Table 4 (wider). (c) Trench bottoms 2” tolerance in 100’. (d) Minimum depth 12”, Minimum cover 12” Maximum depth 60”, Must comply with MVS.76 Soil Depth/Vertical Separation 18
Gravel Field Standard Construction Specification page 52 17
Appendix B - Figure 4 page 16
Gravel Field Standard Construction Specification page 52 (4) EDF trenches shall meet the following continued (e) Maximum length of EDF trench 100’ except for serial Distribution (5) EDF pipe in aggregate (a) Appropriate pipe fittings – ASTM standards. (b) Pipe elevations within 2” tolerance (c) Minimum size 4” inside diameter 15
Gravel Field Standard Construction Specification page 53 (5) EDF pipe in aggregate continued (d) Rigid/semi-rigid 2.2 exfiltration area per foot of pipe. Pipe with slits – agricultural drain pipe not approved (e) Perforations turned down (f) Installed in Board-Approved aggregate 14
Gravel Field Standard Construction Specification page 53 (6) Aggregate and cover material (a) Washed, clean, free from fines, dust, sand, clay *size range ¼ - 2 ½ inches *gravel/stone extends 8” below lowest point of EDF pipe to at least level with top of pipe. *Board can approved other aggregate (scrap tires) (b) Aggregate covered with untreated building paper, heavy Kraft paper, geotechnical fabric or Board approved. Backfilled with 12” of earth cover. 13
Gravel Field Standard Construction Specification page 53 (6) Aggregate and cover material (c) Plastic sheeting, polyethylene, impervious materials not approved. (7) All EDF’s lines shall be placed entirely in the native soil or in the fill soil, if required, but not in both. 12
Setback/Separation Distances page 55 (1)Table 5 (2) No underground utility service or main, such as water, electrical, phone, TV, or gas lines may cross over or under an EDF pipe. (3) An OSS, the EDF, or the REDF area shall not be located in an underground easement (4) Separation distances from natural or man-made drainage may be reduced with sufficient information (5) Exceptions for separation for repairs/replacement are found in.89 5
Setback/Separation Distances page 55 4
Additional Setback/Separation Distances for a Large System page 55 (1) Large flow systems with one or more EDF of greater than 600 gpd shall be located the minimum setback required by Table 5, Table 6, and Table 7 (2) Sewer line (not EDF) may cross water line if 18” separation (water line on top). Or encased in approved material for 5’ on each side of the point of crossing. (3) Collection sewer, force main or supply at least minimum horizontal distances in Table 7. 3
Additional Setback/Separation Distances for a Large System page (4) Sewer line may cross a storm drain if (a)18” clear separation (b) sewer encased for 5’ on either side of the crossing (5) Sewer line may cross under a stream with 3’ stable cover or line encased for 10’ either side of crossing. *aerial crossing shall be by ductile iron pipe, with mechanical joints or steel pipe. *pipe shall be anchored for at least 10’ either side of crossing 2
Additional Setback/Separation Distances for a Large System page Table 7 page 124 Table 8 page 125 1
EDF Dosing Requirements page 53 (1)EDF’s requiring more than 1,400 linear feet (4,200 sq.ft.) of EDF pipe as determined by the Gravel Field Standard shall be divided into separate and equal EDF’s of not more than 1,000 linear feet of EDF per bed. (a) Each EDF dosed not more than 6 times per day unless effluent is treated to secondary or better. May be modified by PE with Department approval. (b) Each dose not greater than 70% unless treated. (c) Shall use effluent pumps from dosing tank. 11
EDF Dosing Requirements page 54 (d) Effluent pumps shall meet.65...Pumping of Effluent (e) Use of dosing siphons maybe approved by Board (f) Use of low-pressure EDF pipe may be used * LPP placed in 4” diameter EDF pipe * 8” aggregate under pipe * PE design with recognized method. 10
(1) Gravel Field Standard EDF Sizing for DWELLINGS page 47 (1) The Gravel Field Standard is the minimum total bottom area for dwellings Number of bedrooms X “Square Feet per Bedroom” in Table 3 and Table 3a that corresponds to the measured or assigned percolation rate 53
Table 3 & 3a page (no page number) 52
(1)(a) Gravel Field Standard EDF Sizing for DWELLINGS page 47 Primary EDF shall be a Minimum EDF size 300 sq. ft. of the Gravel Field Standard or equivalent Unless designed by an engineer 50
Gravel Field Standard Reductions for DWELLINGS page 47 (1)Reductions for any disposal medium/device shall be expressed - as a percent reduction of bottom area in the State-Issued Product Permit 49
Gravel Field Standard Reductions for DWELLINGS page 47 - as a percent reduction of bottom area in the State-Issued Product Permit 48
Gravel Field Standard Reductions for DWELLINGS page 47 (1)Reductions for any disposal medium/device shall be expressed - as a percent reduction of bottom area in the State-Issued Product Permit (a) Reduction for advanced treatment is found in Table 2 (b) EDF may be reduced by 33% for 24” deep gravel (percs <120 mpi) 49
Table 2 page 119 (no page number) 47.38(1)(a) Reduction for advanced treatment for dwellings
Gravel Field Standard Reductions for DWELLINGS page 47 (c) Only 1 reduction may be taken per field, except for controlled fill installations no double dipping with treatment & EDF product either treatment break or product break (2) Owners are responsible to repair the system even if a reduction caused the failure. 46
EDF Sizing for ESTABLISHMENTS page 47 (1) EDF sizing based on BOD loading of wastewater that has - higher organic concentration (stronger) than the secondary standards, and hydraulic loading for wastewater that is weaker than secondary standards 45
EDF Sizing for ESTABLISHMENTS page 48 (a) Determine average design load in lbs BOD/day from Table 1 (or other literature) (b) Assume that a septic tank will remove -40% of BOD from sewage -30% of BOD from high-strength sewage 44
Appendix A Table 1 Flow and Organic Loading Generator Design Unit Design BOD/TSSDesign Flow lbs/day gpd DWELLINGS (Rule) 2/ Dwelling (8 bedrooms or fewer) per bedroom 0.4 (min) 150 (300 min) 9 or more bedrooms to a single system per person 0.2 (min) 75 (min) ESTABLISHMENTS (guidelines) 3/ Airports (not including food service) (not including food service) per passenger Airport per employee Officeper employee Marinas with bathhouse or showers or toilets per boat slip Motels no cooking facility per bedroom cooking facilityper bedroom Movie Theater (no food preparation) per seat Restaurants per seat Restaurants Interstate or through highway per seat Interstate rest areas per person Service stationper vehicle serviced EDF Sizing for ESTABLISHMENTS page 48 43
Appendix A Table 1 Flow and Organic Loading Generator Design Unit Design BOD/TSSDesign Flow lbs/day gpd DWELLINGS (Rule) 2/ Dwelling (8 bedrooms or fewer) per bedroom 0.4 (min) 150 (300 min) 9 or more bedrooms to a single system per person 0.2 (min) 75 (min) ESTABLISHMENTS (guidelines) 3/ Airports (not including food service) (not including food service) per passenger Airport per employee Officeper employee Marinas with bathhouse or showers or toilets per boat slip Motels no cooking facility per bedroom cooking facilityper bedroom Movie Theater (no food preparation) per seat Restaurants per seat Restaurants Interstate or through highway per seat Interstate rest areas per person Service stationper vehicle serviced EDF Sizing for ESTABLISHMENTS page 48 So a 50 seat restaurant (Not on an interstate) 50 seats x.2 lbs/day/seat = 10.0 lbs/day BOD 42 septic tank would remove 30% of BOD in high-strength waste so the actual BOD to the field would be 7 lbs/day 10 x.3 = 3 And 10 – 3 = 7!
EDF Sizing for ESTABLISHMENTS page 48 To determine size of field based on BOD loading: c) Divide the BOD load to the field by the appropriate figure from the column headed “Field Sizing For Establishments Primary Effluent” in Table 3 or Table 3a. 41
EDF Sizing for ESTABLISHMENTS page 48 40
Table 1 Page 118 (no page number) 39
EDF Sizing for ESTABLISHMENTS page 48 So a 50 seat restaurant (Not on an interstate) (45 mpi perc) 50 seats x.2 lbs/day/seat = 10lbs BUT ST removes 30%! 10 X.3 = 3lbs and 10lbs – 3lbs = 7lbs Therefore, the actual BOD/day is 7.0 lbs 7.0 lbs / lbs/sq.ft.= 8750 sq.ft. EDF 38
EDF Sizing for ESTABLISHMENTS page 48 To determine size of field based on hydraulic loading: d) Divide design flow in gpd for the establishment by column headed “Field Sizing for establishments without/ Secondary Effluent” in Table 3 or Table 3a. 37
Appendix A Table 1 Flow and Organic Loading Generator Design Unit Design BOD/TSSDesign Flow lbs/day gpd DWELLINGS (Rule) 2/ Dwelling (8 bedrooms or fewer) per bedroom 0.4 (min) 150 (300 min) 9 or more bedrooms to a single system per person 0.2 (min) 75 (min) ESTABLISHMENTS (guidelines) 3/ Airports (not including food service) (not including food service) per passenger Airport per employee Officeper employee Marinas with bathhouse or showers or toilets per boat slip Motels no cooking facility per bedroom cooking facilityper bedroom Movie Theater (no food preparation) per seat Restaurants per seat Restaurants Interstate or through highway per seat Interstate rest areas per person Service stationper vehicle serviced Table 1 Page 118 (no page number) 36
EDF Sizing for ESTABLISHMENTS page 48 So a 50 seat restaurant (Not on an interstate) (45 mpi perc) 50 seats x 50 gal/day/seat = 2,500 gal/day 2,500 gal/day / 0.5 gal/sq/ft = 5000 sq.ft. EDF 35
EDF Sizing for ESTABLISHMENTS page 48 So a 50 seat restaurant (Not on an interstate) (45 mpi perc) 50 seats x 50 gal/day/seat = 2,500 gal/day 2,500 gal/day / 0.5 gal/sq/ft = 5000sq.ft. EDF (e) The larger field size computed is the required bottom area 34 So a 50 seat restaurant (Not on an interstate) (45 mpi perc) 50 seats x.2 lbs/day/seat = 10lbs BUT ST removes 30%! 10 X.3 = 3lbs and 10lbs – 3lbs = 7lbs 7.0 lbs 7.0 lbs / lbs/sq.ft.= 8750 sq.ft. EDF
EDF Sizing for ESTABLISHMENTS page 48 d) Advanced treatment is required for all establishment design flows over: 1,200 gpd of high-strength sewage and 4,000 gpd sewage *Unless it can be shown that the wastewater is already weaker than secondary standards 33
EDF Reductions for Establishments page 48 (1) If the field is large because of high-strength sewage : the field may be reduced by treating to secondary standards and sized using the column headed “Field Sizing for Establishments w/ Secondary Effluent” in Table 3 or Table 3a 32
Disposal of Effluent from Clothes Washing Machines and Residential Spas page 54 (1)Shall be disposed of by one of following: (a) Discharge to building drain/sewer (b) Discharge to a separate EDF * shall be no less than ¼ of the primary EDF * primary EDF may be reduced by the amount used for the washer line – not to exceed 1/5 of the total required for the primary EDF before other reductions taken 9
Disposal of Effluent from Clothes Washing Machines and Residential Spas page 54 (1)(b) Shall be disposed of by one of following continued : 1. Example sq. ft. = original EDF prior to reduction 125 sq. ft. = (500 x.25) washer line 400 sq. ft. = (500 x.20) primary EDF Total required 525 sq. ft. 8
Disposal of Effluent from Clothes Washing Machines and Residential Spas page 54 (1)(b) Shall be disposed of by one of following continued : 1. Example sq. ft. = original EDF prior to reduction 125 sq. ft. = (500 x.25) washer line 400 sq. ft. = (500 x.20) primary EDF (reduction from here) Any additional reduction allowed would come from the 400 sq. ft. primary. So, if 50% reduction is allowed it would come from the primary 400 sq. ft. leaving 200 sq. ft. for the primary for a system total of 325 sq. ft. 7
Disposal of Effluent from Clothes Washing Machines and Residential Spas page 54 (2) Trench bottom areas of the EDF for a spa or similar fixture, at a private dwelling with a 90 gal or greater capacity shall be: *a minimum of 50% of the EDF *no reductions for treatment unless PE makes determination and submits actual water use data 6