New arrangements for education improvement Leora Cruddas, Divisional Director, Education and young people services January 2012
Our new education improvement priorities Every child achieving, every school good or outstanding THE BEST START IN LIFE: children are ready for school. FIRM FOUNDATIONS: all children achieve good levels of literacy and numeracy so that they are ready for secondary school. BRILLIANT RESULTS: more young people get 5 A*-C at GCSE including English and Maths, and more young people go on to do well at level 3 EVERY SCHOOL A GOOD SCHOOL: more schools are good or outstanding
What are we doing now? Every child achieving, every school good or outstanding Developing a three-year strategy Procuring a list of approved school improvement providers Developing ways to strengthen governing bodies Strengthening Scrutiny arrangements Developing a strategy to address the shortage of school places
Where are we now and where do we want to be? Every child achieving, every school good or outstanding Where are we now? Key stage 2 results – 73% GCSE results – 54.5% (provisional) Below the national average and near the bottom of the London ranking Where do we want to be in 3 years In the top 15 London boroughs
How will we achieve our ambitions? Every child achieving, every school good or outstanding Outstanding Leadership - leadership is the key! Outstanding learning - we expect pupils to make two levels of progress or more each year. Outstanding teaching – we know that teachers make the most difference to pupils’ attainment.
What is the local authority’s role? Separation of support from regulation and intervention Building capacity in the whole education system Championing the rights of pupils, particularly the most vulnerable