1 DG RTD-B ERA: Research Programmes and Capacity Research Infrastructures Unit Maria Theofilatou FP7 Community actions Research Infrastructures of Social Sciences and Humanities FP7 Community actions Research Infrastructures of Social Sciences and Humanities
2 Research Infrastructures (incl. e-infrastructures) are: Facilities, resources, and related services used by the scientific community for Conducting leading-edge research Knowledge transmission, knowledge exchanges and knowledge preservation Today Research Infrastructures include Major scientific equipment Scientific collections, archives, structured information ICT-based infrastructures Research services generally subject to periodic evaluation by international scientific committee
3 23/09/ The five ERA initiatives ERA World-class research infrastructures Effective knowledge sharing Opening of the ERA to the world Single labour market for researchers Well-coordinated research programmes and priorities (joint programming) Excellent research institutions and universities ERA building blocks
4 World-class research infrastructures Key element of the Lund declaration adopted on 8 July 09 -Essential for Europe’s researchers to stay at the forefront of research development -Key component of Europe’s competitiveness in “frontier” research Key Challenges: - Overcoming fragmentation in Europe - Coping with increasing costs / complexity - Improving efficiency of (and access to) research services, incl. e-infrastructures
5 Existing Infrastructures Design studies N ew Infrastructures Construction (preparatory phase; construction phase) FP7 Research Infrastructures actions Integrating activities e-infrastructures Policy Development and Programme Implementation Indicative budget 1000 M€ Indicative budget 600 M€ Indicative budget 65 M€ ESFRI Roadmap
6 Status of FP7 Implementation Distribution of projects per scientific domain and activity (total = 137 projects, 687 M€) 236 M€ 174 M€ 111 M€ 76 M€ 29 M€ 46 M€ 10 M€ 5 M€
7 Integrating Activities to promote the coherent use and development of research infrastructures in a given field, implemented through: Targeted approach with topics defined in cooperation with the FP7 thematic areas ICT based e-infrastructures in support of scientific research 580 M€ M€ FP7 supports existing Research Infrastructures
8 Integrating Activity in FP7 Continuation of the successful FP6 instrument “I3” 3 to 10 M€, up to 15 M€ in exceptional cases, up to 4 years Collaboration of existing research infrastructures in a given field of science Normally all major RI’s in Europe in one field At least 3 MS or AS Three types of activities are mandatory in one project Networking Activities Trans-national Access and/or Service Activities Joint Research Activities
9 Examples of FP7 Integrating Activities for SSH 1)Longitudinal Enhancement and Access Improvement of the SHARE Infrastructure (SHARE_LEAP) To maintain and enhance the longitudinal stability of the SHARE panel and provide and improve access and consulting services to users in the years 2009 and EU Support 3 M€ 2)Cultural Heritage Advanced Research Infrastructures: Synergy for a Multidisciplinary Approach to Conservation/Restoration (CHARISMA) To bring together 21 leading European infrastructures and improve research on the restoration of artwork materials and support access of researchers to the services of three different and complementary groups of facilities, involving material sciences and artwork and restoration EU support 7.6 M€
10 FP7 calls: Overall strategy Three calls for proposals for A targeted approach For each of the three calls, a list of defined topics Each topic corresponding to one project, for one class of Research Infrastructures e.g.: "Research Vessels", "Virus archives", "Historical archives“… To focus on strategic priorities More topics will be published than can be funded to ensure competition
11 Work Programme 2010 Current Call for proposals for Integrating Activities Topics for Social Sciences and Humanities 1)European Social Survey 2)Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe 3)European Social Science Data Archives and Remote Access to Official Statistics 4)Archives for Historical Research (Contemporary European History) 5)Towards a European Research Infrastructure for Modelling and Methodologies 6)Research Infrastructure for the study of globalisation and European integration
12 Distribution of the topics between calls Call A (WP 2010) Published Jul Call B (WP 2011) Jan Call C (WP 2012) Jan topics Expected number of funded projects: ~ Budget: ~ 160 M€ Budget: ~ 100 M€ Budget: ~90 M€ 21 topics Expected number of funded projects: ~ topics Expected number of funded projects: ~ 12
13 Design studies: to support the conceptual design for new facilities or major upgrades, of clear European dimension and interest through bottom-up calls Support to the Construction of new infrastructures and major upgrades to existing ones, based on the ESFRI Roadmap Preparatory phase Construction phase 70 M€ M€ FP7 also supports the development of new Research Infrastructures
14 FP7 Design Studies for SSH 1) GGP-Generations and Gender Programme A European Research Infrastructure on the Causes and Consequences of Demographic Developments EU support M€ 2) MONDILEX - Conceptual Modelling of Networking of Centres for High-Quality Research in Slavic Lexicography and Their Digital Resources EU support ,7 K€ 3) PIREDEU - Providing an Infrastructure for Research on Electoral Democracy in the European Union EU support M€
15 Mandate from the Council of Ministers, November 2004 The Roadmap (2006) and its update (2008) is the result of several years of intensive work The roadmap contains 44 projects About 1000 high-level experts were involved, from every MS and AS, from most fields and user communities, giving the end product credibility and quality. The ESFRI Roadmap
16 ESFRI roadmap 2008 Social Science & Humanities 5 Projects Environmental Sciences 10 Projects Biomedical and Life Sciences 10 Projects Energy 4 Projects Physical Sciences & Engineering: 8 Projects Materials and Analytical Facilities: 6 Projects e-Infrastructures Wide input 1 Project Total: 44 projects (~ 20 B€ in ~ 10 years) equal to ~ 2 B€ per year, increase of ~ 20% on present investment
17 Support of FP7 to the Preparatory phase of the Construction of New (or major Upgrade) of the ESFRI Roadmap projects To facilitate decision-making between partners from different countries Work targeted at resolving bottlenecks and addressing most of the critical issues (legal, financial) that need to be resolved to allow the project moving forward Technical work also possible but cannot be the core of the preparatory phase The Preparatory phase is a pathfinder for construction
18 FP7-Preparatory Phase projects in Social Sciences 1)CESSDA-Preparatory Phase Preparatory Phase project for a major upgrade of the Council of European Social Sciences Data Archives Research Infrastructure EU support 2,7 M€. Estimated Construction costs 30 M€ (ESFRI Roadmap) 2) The ESS-Preparatory Phase Major up-grade of a the European Social Survey to monitor long term changes in social values throughout Europe EU support 1,5 M€. Estimated total financial commitment of around 54 M€ over 6 years (ESFRI Roadmap) 3)SHARE-Preparatory Phase Upgrade to the panel Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe to run 5 more biennial waves in 29 countries until 2020 / EU support 2,5 M€. Estimated total costs 58 M€ for 5 waves (ESFRI Roadmap)
19 FP7-Preparatory Phase projects in Humanities 4)DARIAH-Preparatory Phase Preparatory Phase project for a distributed Digital Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities EU support 2,5 M€. Estimated Construction costs 12 M€ (ESFRI Roadmap) 5) CLARIN-Preparatory Phase Preparatory Phase for a distributed Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure EU support 4,1 M€. Estimated total construction costs 104 M€ (ESFRI Roadmap)
20 A New Community legal framework for a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) In July 2008, the Commission presented its Proposal for a Community legal framework for the construction and operation of new European Research Infrastructures (ERIC) In June 2009, the Council adopted the ERIC Regulation, which is based on Article 171 EC Treaty. Entities willing to set up an ERIC can submit an application to the Commission, which should assess, with the help of independent experts, whether the proposed infrastructure is in conformity with this Regulation
21 To provide an easy-to-use legal instrument adapted to European infrastructures, an ERIC should: have a legal personality recognized in all MS have a spirit of a truly European venture be flexible enough to adapt to the requirements of specific infrastructures provide some of those privileges and exemptions allowed at a national level for intergovernmental organizations (e.g. VAT exemption). ERIC Regulation Objectives
22 Primary task: establish and operate a European Research Infrastructure Tasks to be pursued on a non economic basis Four conditions fulfilled by the Research Infrastructure: o necessary for European research activities, including Community programmes o open to the European research community o added value in the development of ERA and significant improvement in relevant S&T fields at international level ocontribute to the dissemination and optimization of the results of the activities Framework regulation Nature of an ERIC
23 Next Steps Helping to overcome fragmentation in the European Research Area (ERA) -Maximising synergies between all policy instruments, national and European - Coping with increasing costs / complexity - Making more efficient use of scarce resources - Improving the organisation of and access to high quality data services for European comparative research Implementation of the 5 SSH projects of the ESFRI Roadmap with total estimated construction costs of around 256 M€. The challenges are high Implementation of the Legal Instrument (ERIC) for European Research Infrastructures