Government Introduction Introducing Government in America.


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Presentation transcript:

Government Introduction Introducing Government in America

Why Government? Politics and government matter Politics and government matter –Age you drive, drink alcohol and vote –Taxes –Student loans –Holidays –Rent an apartment –Gas prices –Only 36 percent of college freshmen “keep up with politics”

Introducing Government in America Government-Institutions and Processes through which public policies are made for society Government-Institutions and Processes through which public policies are made for society Politics- the processes by which we select our government leaders Politics- the processes by which we select our government leaders Democracy-organizing government so policy represents will of the people Democracy-organizing government so policy represents will of the people What should government do? What should government do? –National defense, provide public services, preserve order, educate the young, collect taxes

Democracy Majority rule with minority rights Majority rule with minority rights Three contemporary theories: Pluralist, Elite/class, hyper-pluralist (also Majoritarian) Three contemporary theories: Pluralist, Elite/class, hyper-pluralist (also Majoritarian) Pluralist- the belief that competition among all affected interests shapes public policy (interest groups) Pluralist- the belief that competition among all affected interests shapes public policy (interest groups) Elite- group or persons possess a disproportionate share of public policy Elite- group or persons possess a disproportionate share of public policy Hyper-pluralist- groups are so strong government is weakened Hyper-pluralist- groups are so strong government is weakened

Democracy cont. Traditional Democratic Theory: Traditional Democratic Theory: –Equality in voting (Voting Rights Act of 1965, poll taxes, etc.) –Effective Participation (Elections...but more) –Enlightened understanding (linkage institution) –Citizen control of the agenda (initiatives and referendums) –Inclusion (all legal citizens)

How active is Government? Spends 2.8 trillion annually Spends 2.8 trillion annually Employs 2 million people Employs 2 million people Owns 1/3 of the land in the U.S. Owns 1/3 of the land in the U.S. Occupies 2.6 billion square feet of office space Occupies 2.6 billion square feet of office space 400,000 nonmilitary vehicles 400,000 nonmilitary vehicles

Forms of Government Autocracy – king or dictator Autocracy – king or dictator –Monarchy- rule by hereditary elite until death or abdication Oligarchy- small group controls most of the decisions Oligarchy- small group controls most of the decisions Theocracy- authoritarian govt. drawing its power from divine authority Theocracy- authoritarian govt. drawing its power from divine authority Anarchy- the absence of government Anarchy- the absence of government Representative democracy/republic- populace selects reps who play a role in governmental decisions Representative democracy/republic- populace selects reps who play a role in governmental decisions Direct Democracy- citizens vote directly on laws and policies (initiatives or referendums) Direct Democracy- citizens vote directly on laws and policies (initiatives or referendums) Limited government- (more an idea)- principle that a government has powers that are defined and limited by a constitution Limited government- (more an idea)- principle that a government has powers that are defined and limited by a constitution


Economics within a Country Laissez-Faire capitalism– “leave alone”- hands off economy Laissez-Faire capitalism– “leave alone”- hands off economy Social Democracy- mostly private ownership, but extensive Govt. control Social Democracy- mostly private ownership, but extensive Govt. control Regulated/mixed capitalism- private ownership and some govt. control Regulated/mixed capitalism- private ownership and some govt. control Socialism- Complete government ownership and control Socialism- Complete government ownership and control